Discovering the right path: Gethin's Story

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Gethin from Germany graduated from their undergraduate degree unsure as to their next step. After studying MA Drama Production for TV, Film and Digital Media, Gethin discovered their passion for the script department. Since then, they have worked tirelessly and are now well on their way to reaching their ambitions. Read Gethin’s story below.  

Journey to Salford

I studied an undergraduate degree at a different university which combined film studies and drama, however part way through I fell more in love with drama and focused all my attention on this area. After I graduated, I wanted to further deepen my knowledge and connections so I decided that studying a postgraduate degree would be the best option for me.  

I started researching master’s in film and TV production. When I came across the University of Salford’s MA Drama Production for TV, Film and Digital Media I felt that it was very industry-focused, and it would give me a clear direction as to the specific area I would like to work in. It also had a clear focus on helping students build long term connections which is key to success within this industry. I applied and once I was accepted, moved to Salford to start my course. 

Finding my passion

During the course, I was exposed to lots of different areas of the TV and film industry, and it helped me realise just how varied the industries really are – before studying at Salford I didn’t even know half of the roles existed.  

It was during one of our modules that we learnt about the importance of the script department, from development to editing and scriptwriting. After this module, I knew this was the path I wanted to follow. Without coming to Salford, I would have never discovered my true passion within the industry.  

The course at Salford is very practically focused and how you are taught is genuinely how it is done in the industry. We were encouraged to use the industry-standard software and equipment available at the University’s MediaCity campus wherever possible and it meant that when I entered the industry, I had a base knowledge of different pieces of equipment which set me apart when searching for jobs. Throughout the course, the lecturers also help you to develop the non-academic skills you need to succeed, such as how to build an excellent CV specifically for the TV industry and how to get the most out of networking.  

All my lecturers were very active in the sector, for example, one worked at the BBC and another was a producer on Hollyoaks, a leading TV soap opera in the UK. They were always happy to help with introductions to contacts they had. They also engage with you as a fellow creative not just a student, since graduating I have continued to keep in touch with my lecturers and I have helped one of them with some script work for his short films.  

Life after Salford

Around six months after I graduated, I began to pick up projects as a freelance production runner. I did a few projects in this position and on one particular project, I asked the script editor at the start of the production if I could chat to him over a coffee about his journey because I was really interested in getting into the script department.  

A few months later, as we were nearing the end of production, I got a call and was asked if I wanted the chance to be an assistant script editor during the last part of the production – I jumped at the chance. This is a perfect example of how persistence really does pay off in this industry. 

Since then, I have found more work within the script department as an assistant script editor, and I am now working my way up to script editor level. No two days are the same in my current role and I move on to different projects every few months. However generally, I will be liaising with different departments including the producers, writers and directors to make sure any changes to the script are executed correctly and minimise the impact on the rest of the production. I also do quite a bit of proofreading and copywriting. My last project was a book adaptation so there was an added element to make sure that it was in line with the book too.  

My ambitions

I would like to become a script editor over the next few years. I would also like to progress my own scriptwriting. I’m working on a few short films which I am hoping to move forward. To help with this I run a regular writer’s group in Salford, where we aim to inspire each other and showcase what we are each working on.