Student Support - Scholarships

Studying at university is an exciting time in a person's life, but it can also be expensive, and many students find themselves in difficult financial situations through no fault of their own. 

We believe financial challenges, whether essential living costs or unexpected emergencies, should never prevent someone from completing their studies. A scholarship can be the opportunity a student at Salford needs in order to remain at university and complete their studies, safe in the knowledge that they can pay for their food, rent, bills, and study materials.

Thanks to you ...

Three female and one male students walking outside through campus

Over 50 students will receive a donor-funded scholarship during the 2022/23 academic year!

To every alumni, friend, corporate partner, and charitable trust and foundation, thank you for enabling us to provide these life-changing awards. 

Our new supporters

Announcing new pledges is always a huge highlight for us, and we are delighted to announce six new scholarship programmes have launched during 2022, supporting fourteen more students from across the University to help improve the representation of underrepresented groups, including female engineers and male nurses.