Donor Funded Scholarships and Bursaries

Two students reading a book underneath a tree

The donor-funded scholarships and bursaries are generously funded by our donor community, which consist of our alumni, friends, and industry partners. They offer a financial lifeline to those who need it most. Securing a scholarship is not only a non-repayable award for our students, but a moment of recognition and a vote of confidence that we believe in their ability and potential.

'I'd like to say a massive heartfelt thanks to the Gittins scholarship for their continued support and recognition as a male student Mental Health Nurse. The additional funding has helped us spend some very important quality time together as a family this year, and those memories are priceless!" – Lee Taylor, Gittins Family Charitable Trust (Nursing) Scholar

The difference you can make

Open day bunting hanging in peel park

We are always looking to establish scholarships, bursaries, prizes to support students from, widening participation backgrounds and across all fields of study.

''The Mason family are proud to support the Gerry Mason Scholarship bursary, supporting over 50 students to date. Our partnership with Salford University is delivering real change by attracting new talent to technical sectors and developing the next generation of engineers, as well as helping those from underprivileged background achieve their dream in STEM. I am proud to be continuing my father’s legacy.'' – Ged Mason, CEO of Morson International

If you are a friend, alumni, industry partner, charitable trust/foundation and would like to find out about establishing your a Scholarship Programme, contact our Development Manager - Major Gifts, Hannah Fox.

Scholarships and Bursaries

Applications are now closed for 2023/24. Applications will be reopening from September 2024. Please check back closer to the time for updated information.

To find out more about additional financial support for your studies, please visit Fees and Funding.


Believe Grants

The Believe Grants are for care leaver, Level 4 (Year 1) undergraduate students, and generously funded by the donations from donors of the University who selected this priority area.

Eligibility criteria Value of award Start date

Care leaver - generally someone who has been in the care of their local authority for a period of 13 weeks or more around their 16th birthday. You could have been in foster care or living in residential accommodation (find out more in our care experienced section). 

£3,000 over three academic years Autumn 2024

Santander Universities 2022 - 2025

Santander Universities Global Division has worked in higher education since 1997, with a network that spans over 70 UK universities and over 1,000 academic institutions in 20 different countries. 

The University of Salford has an established partnership with Santander Universities and recently entered a new Agreement in 2022 to support: 

Please note that all opportunities for Santander Universities funding will be communicated with students throughout the academic year via internal channels, including the Student Hub.

Santander Universities also have several initiatives running every year, please sign up to BECAS Santander for more information. 


Who can apply for a scholarship and bursary?

Anyone can apply for a scholarship and bursary as long as they hit the eligibility criteria highlighted under each scholarship and application form.

What is a scholarship and/or bursary?

Our scholarships are cash, not tuition fee scholarships. They are designed to help with the cost of living and to support your studies, e.g., utilities, travel costs, equipment needed etc. Payments are made on a one-off basis or through instalments. A bursary is the same but are a one-off payment only.

How do I apply?

You can apply through the quick and simple application form under each scholarship above.

What is the deadline for applying for a Scholarship?

Scholarship and Bursaries are now closed for applications for 2023/24. Please check back from September 2024 for information about applying.

How will I know if I am successful?

A member of the allocation panel will let students know if they are successful with the scholarship application.

Who do I contact if I have a query about my scholarship?

If you have any questions about a scholarship you want to apply for or are on a current scholarship, please email our Donor Engagement Officer, or

What are the terms and conditions?

The terms and conditions are in the section below but also may vary depending on which scholarship or bursary you apply for. Scholarship and bursary terms and conditions are highlighted in the Grant Acceptance that is sent to you upon being awarded the scholarship.

What does it mean by a low income background?

To evidence a low-income background – the student must have provided Student Finance (England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland) with sufficient information to enable a full financial assessment, with consent from the student and their sponsor(s) to share this data with the university. The University of Salford will then use the result of the financial assessment to confirm low-income eligibility.

Terms and conditions

Before applying for a donor-funded scholarship or bursary, all applicants are advised to read our terms and conditions

  1. Donor-funded scholarships and bursaries are available to applicants who are:
    • A UK resident.
    • Studying full-time, on-campus for the duration of their programme.
    • Studying an eligible undergraduate or postgraduate programme – please refer to the eligibility criteria for each scholarship programme. 
  2. Our current scholarships and bursaries are not available to students studying a foundation year, part-time, a degree apprenticeship, distance or blended learning, or where the programme is delivered through a partner institution; however, this is subject to change.
  3. If you have already received a scholarship, you will not be eligible to apply for another.
  4. To accept the award, students must complete a Grant Acceptance form and Student Payment Account form – these will be sent to successful applicants directly. 
  5. No award is confirmed until we have verified that you are registered at the University of Salford and engaged with your course – this will be done with Student Records.
  6. All decisions are confidential, and recipients must not share the information via social media or other platforms, such as LinkedIn, until permitted by the Alumni Engagement and Development team.
  7. You can apply for more than one scholarship or bursary, but you are only eligible to receive one award.
    • If you are eligible to apply for more than one of the donor-funded scholarships or bursaries, you will have the opportunity to notify us of this towards the end of the application form – please only submit one application form.
  8. The university may cancel any award at any point and seek repayment of any monies already paid by appropriate means if the student is found to have claimed under false information.
  9. If your academic progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory or you no longer meet the eligibility criteria, the university will terminate the scholarship/bursary and you will no longer be eligible for the award in subsequent years. Satisfactory progress is defined as progressing onto the next stage of your programme of study at the first attempt without reassessment.
  10. Awards will not normally be terminated, nor repayment required on the basis of academic failure, but will not be paid during any repeat year or part-year.
  11. If a student completes an industry placement year, they will not receive any funding during that year – payments will continue upon your return to the university.
  12. If a student withdraws from their studies or is required to withdraw, no further payments will be made, and you may be required to repay the grant awarded to you.
  13. The university reserves the right to terminate an award and demand repayment on funds already paid, in case of disciplinary action against an award-holder.
  14. All donor-funded scholarship and bursary recipients must consent to:
    • Us using your photo and any written materials or videos you have produced to publicise our scholarships.
    • Submitting at least two written or video updates for the donor during every academic year.
    • Attending a virtual or in-person ‘meet and greet’ with the donor.
    • Participating in additional activities organised by your donor, these may include workshops or industry experience opportunities – any additional obligations will be made clear to each scholarship/bursary recipient before being awarded.
  15. All decisions are final. We are unable to provide feedback on unsuccessful applications.