
Recycling logos on a plain green background

For waste it is not possible to eliminate or reuse, we encourage recycling. Audits of our general waste bins have found that over two-thirds of the contents could be recycled in our current campus recycling systems. We currently only recycle about 40% of our waste. Our aim to recycle at least 50% through segregation onsite as well as sorting and treatment offsite.

Recycling systems vary in different areas, find out about recycling labels on packaging and how you can recycle at home on the Recycle Now website.

How to recycle with us

We facilitate the recycling of a number of different waste streams, including composting of food waste. For a full list of wastes and details of how to recycle on campus, check out these resources:  

Our recycling bins

Our recycling stations have a blue paper and light card bin, a green mixed recycling bin for cans and plastic bottles and a black general waste bin (for non-recyclables). We cannot recycle coffee cups, please place these in there general waste bins and consider a reusable cup where possible.

Charity collection banks for clothing are available at:

  • Frederick Road campus – TRAID
  • Peel Park Quarter – Salvation Army

Our recycling principles

  • There should be waste collection/recycling points allocated at regular intervals in a building and in external areas
  • Collection points for recyclables and general waste should be situated together
  • No single bins (general waste or recyclables), a minimum of 3 bins should always be co-located – general waste, mixed recyclables and mixed paper
  • In office areas, there should be no under-desk bins only a communal waste/recycling point located at a convenient point for each office area
  • In communal areas, particular attention should be made to high footfall areas such as teaching rooms and breakout areas
  • Collections for less common recyclables such as batteries/ mobile phones and printer cartridges may be located at single points such as building receptions and should be well signposted