Undergraduate BA (Hons)

Television and Radio Production




Three year

Next enrolment

September 2025


In a nutshell

If you have a passion for producing audio and video and for communicating with an audience, then this is the programme for you. Taught by existing and former broadcast professionals and renowned media academics, this degree offers all the skills, aptitude and abilities for you to enter the broadcast industry with confidence and ability.

Perhaps you’ve already got your own radio podcast about your favourite football team, or you’ve always wanted to make TV drama. You might have a burning desire to tell people’s stories through documentary, to direct a studio show, or production manage a large production. If so, this course is for you. 

If you don’t yet have any experience but have all the ambition, the course starts at a place everyone who meets the entry requirements can begin their exciting journey.

On the BA (Hons) TV and Radio Production programme, you’ll learn how to find great stories, develop your ideas, pitch and present those ideas, write scripts, research, pre-produce and produce your ideas whether this is for radio or TV, or another audio or video platform. There will be an opportunity to take on real-world briefs from industry as part of the course. You can develop your craft skills in camera and lighting, studio production, editing, creative audio or the skills necessary to manage productions. You can also delve into the theory, where you critically underpin practice with academic rigour.

Our unique location at the heart of MediaCity means you’ll be perfectly placed to tap into a network of leading media companies, from the BBC and ITV to a range of experimental start-up companies across the cities of Salford and Manchester. All of the equipment and facilities in our MediaCity campus building is industry standard to the same specification as the big name producer-broadcasters that are our next-door neighbours. And, like all good neighbours, we have them round to visit regularly.  There are lots of opportunity to engage with industry – both within the course and as added extras you can get involved with, like the Media Futures conference where students get to pitch ideas to broadcasters.

Award-winning students

Our students' work is regularly recognised by the Royal Television Society, both in nominations and winners. Find out about our students' recent success at the Royal Television Society (RTS) North West Student Awards.

The crew of the Best Drama winners at the RTS North West Student Awards 2024

Industry partnerships

Students on BA (Hons) Television and Radio Production can benefit from the University of Salford's education partnership with Blackmagic Design. Blackmagic are one of the world's leading manufacturers of creative video technology. The partnership not only brings with it the very best in technological resources which enhance modules, but increases the employability of our students, in helping them to be industry-ready.

BlackMagic Design Education partner logo

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Ready for the next step? Book an Open Day.

You will:

  • Study in the heart of MediaCity, one of the UK's leading media production hubs
  • Work on industry-focused projects with a variety of media and arts organisations across the cities of Salford and Manchester
  • Learn production and technical skills from leading industry practitioners
  • Develop a theoretical and critically analytical skillset to underpin practice

options available


students accepted

This is for you if...


You want to tell stories, and connect with audiences through TV, Radio and on other platforms


You’re looking for the opportunity to work with industry practitioners from a range of media organisations across the cities of Salford and Manchester.


You want to launch a professional career in the area of television or radio production.

Course details

All about the course

All the way through this programme, you will have the opportunity to make your own programmes and films or podcasts, radio shows, studio shows, dramas or documentaries.  The three years of content production lead up to a final major project: either an ambitious production that can be your calling card for industry or a media theory dissertation for those wishing to pursue the more academic route.

The first year provides all out students with a thorough grounding in television and radio production, and developing content ideas for broadcast, with the skills necessary to take these ideas into production. Alongside this students develop their appreciation of the forms of TV and Radio and the ways that we analyse broadcast content and how the contexts of production shape what we watch and listen to.

In the second and third years of the degree programme you get to choose your own pathway, either focussing on Radio, or TV, or a mixture of both. There is a wide range of options available to you that include studio and location production, factual and fiction content, and the necessary production craft skills including, camera and lighting, creative audio, and editing. We offer options in scriptwriting, production management, TV Studio, Radio Studio, TV Drama, Radio Drama, Documentary practice for both radio and TV. The full range of options can be seen here. Alongside this, in your second year, you will also undertake professional practice, which introduces you to the world of professional work and affords you the opportunity to connect with employers and begin to build your network of contacts.

Both in your second and third year there are also options in the theory modules with which to develop your knowledge and academic skills in relation to a particular topic or subject relevant to your programme of study. You can explore subjects such as contemporary American TV Dramas; survey the range of television genres, radio culture, British drama, and documentary. In these modules you will develop your written and research skills and develop your presenting skills whilst also developing your knowledge and understanding of TV and Radio.

The final year of the degree gives you the opportunity to take your skills and passions to the next level, whether this is in Advanced Camera and Lighting and creative documentary practice, or radio podcasting, radio studio production, or Advanced editing. The third year provides you with the chance to really succeed in your chosen craft and at the things you love doing most. This is in preparation for the final major project, which will occupy you for your final semester on the degree. The Final Project is your chance to show-off all the skills and knowledge you have developed during your time on the degree, and make the TV or radio studio programme, TV or radio documentary, TV drama or radio drama that will showcase your talents to the world and future employers once you graduate.

Asian Media Awards logo

The University of Salford is tremendously proud to have been the premier partner for the Asian Media Awards over the last ten years and is determined to play its part in inspiring the next generation of Asian talent to consider and pursue a career in the creative industries.

Year one

Media Texts and Contexts

Media Texts introduces the range of critical approaches used within Media Studies, such as media semiotics, genre analysis and approaches to media narrative and representation. The module provides students with a range of critically informed methodologies for the analysis of media texts, and critically examines the ways that diverse audiences consume media. The module also seeks to understand the consequences for producers and consumers of the shift to digital media.

Content Creation

Content Creation will provide and develop technical and editorial online skills, preparing you for the demands of the modern multi-skilled digital communications environment. As well as equipping you with a range of storytelling methods and encouraging you to reflect on the impact of new media within the fields of PR and Digital Communication, it will also give you the chance to develop a portfolio to showcase your work and enhance your employability.

Content Delivery

This module develops your understanding of the key pre-production processes and practices required by television, radio and multi-platform projects. You will develop programme research skills in finding and assessing potential stories, contributors, and recording locations. The module will enable you to find, assess, plan and schedule appropriate production content with consideration for relevant copyright, compliance and budgeting issues; and, your ability to conceive, research, plan and apply these skills to the physical production of content for a range of platforms.

Video Production

The aim of this module is to develop your practical skills in camera, sound, editing and multi-platform delivery. By producing your own short videos and rotating through a range of technical roles, you will gain a strong understanding of the key creative processes involved in video production.

Radio Production

This module will provide you with an overview of the range of broadcasters and key programme formats in radio and develop basic production processes and research and recording techniques used in the creation of a range of different radio programmes. You will put into practice the technical skills in recording and editing learnt in two different radio projects: a short documentary and long magazine programme

Year two

Professional Practice (core module)

This module will provide you with a greater understanding of how to produce documentaries and factual features based on a critical and practical appreciation of the form. The module considers a range of research methods, production processes, directing techniques and scripting skills appropriate for documentary formats and, enables you to both work as part of a team and run a team in which you manage each stage of production from initial idea to multi-platform project delivery.

Optional practice based modules:

Camera and Lighting

By studying a range of camera work from various genres and time periods, you will gain an understanding of how shooting styles can portray different themes and meaning. You will also further develop your own camera technique through hands-on workshops and demonstrations.

Radio and Podcasting Features

Podcast and Radio Feature Production develops and critically reflects upon the creative, technical, and production skills required to record features and short documentaries. The module builds on the students existing recording and editing skills in aiming to deliver broadcast standard audio and enhances the students knowledge of subject and contributor research, production planning, scripting and interviewing techniques in order to construct longer form speech based features.

TV Studio

A critical and practical exploration of studio production; you will be encouraged to undertake a variety of studio roles throughout the module including vision mixer, floor manager, and sound supervisor, and collaborate on the production of a studio programme item.

Creative Audio

Technical audio experiences both in and out of the radio studio and an opportunity for you to learn about station sound: creating a station identity using jingles, beds and other audio. You will develop skills in the use of a range of microphones and microphone techniques as well as a knowledge of the theory of audio capture in a range of internal and external recording situations whilst enhancing your editing skills to create audio soundscapes and also experimental audio pieces. You will also learn and apply techniques for creating audio pictures through use of commentary and actuality.

Production Management

This module explores the role of the production manager. You will develop your production planning, organizational, and negotiating skills necessary for the role whilst considering issues surrounding creative ownership and rights and key production employment regulations. You will also consider the range of production jobs for different programming genres and how resources can be allocated, scheduled and budgeted.

Students on this module can also take advantage of our education partnership with Albert, and study production practices which will arm them with the sustainability knowledge they'll need when joining the screen industries.

Radio Drama

You will enhance your skills and understanding of the writing and production process specific to scripted radio drama and comedy in the development, from idea to finished production, of a multiple-character radio drama or comedy.

Radio Studio

An introduction to, and experience of, a range of live on air radio situations and studio programmes, this module provides you with an opportunity to work across all programme-making roles, including producer, reporter, presenter and studio manager. You will develop knowledge of and an opportunity to apply the creative, production and technical skills required to make a variety of live radio including panel shows, music shows, quiz shows, specialist shows and magazine shows.

Television Genres

The module explores the idea of genre as a key critical concept within television studies and enables students to identify the codes and conventions of key television genres such as news, sitcom, reality TV, Soap Operas, heritage TV, and talk shows whilst gaining an understanding of genre in relation to television production and audiences.

TV Docs and Features

To provide students with knowledge of and experience in the making of radio features and documentaries; the module will develop the creative, technical, and production skills required to record features and short documentaries and the capacity to reflect critically on their application; Students will build on existing recording and editing skills in aiming to deliver broadcast standard audio. The module will enhance the students knowledge of subject and contributor research, production planning, scripting and interviewing techniques in order to construct longer form speech based features and students understanding of the history of radio features and documentaries and the current context in which they are commissioned and broadcast.

TV Drama Production

The aim of this module is to provide you with deeper knowledge and understanding of how to create fiction productions for video based on a critical and practical appreciation of the form on TV. You will develop the skills to produce, direct and edit your own fiction video productions that demonstrate dramatic insight and creative flair. You will acquire the knowledge and hands-on experience to successfully manage each stage of the production process from script to final project delivery.

Scriptwriting TV and Radio

Scriptwriting module examines all fundamental aspects of fictional storytelling, including narrative structure, character development, character types, relation of character to plot, the use of subplots. The module fosters advanced practical skills in structure, plotting, character creation and dialogue for dramatic scripts.


This module is intended to further develop your editing skills and increase your understanding of the technical and creative processes involved in video editing. You will learn how the creative selection of footage and the organization of shots impact the final programme.

Creative Collaboration (TV and R)

How you can respond to Live Briefs and work with people you would not usually have the chance to collaborate with at a student level. Where Television and Radio fits into the other courses taught here.

This new module enables TV and Radio students to work on a project jointly with students from Animation, Digital Media and Games Design, sharing the skills learned in the first year of each. There will be a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops as you work to respond to a live brief.

Year three

Final Major Project

Your Final Year project is a significant opportunity to create a substantial media project that showcases your skills and potential to future industry employers. This year-long module will allow you to develop an original idea from proposal to final piece, demonstrating your understanding of and proficiency in the role of a producer and director.


What – and how much – you learn on this module is entirely up to you! The dissertation allows you to choose your own topic and research it in depth, with guidance provided by a supervisor you will meet with on a regular basis. While your tutor will help you select your topic and suggest research methodologies and readings, ultimately you will decide the area in which you wish to specialise. This could take the form of a close analysis of a media text in terms of production and/or reception, or something industry-facing that involves, for example, interviewing practitioners. If there is anything you have studied over the previous two years that you would like to investigate in greater depth, this is your chance.

Optional practice based modules:

Advanced Camera and Lighting

Building upon your learning from Year Two, this module will increase your knowledge of advanced camera functions and enhance your technical operating skills. You will also practice a range of techniques and solutions for specific shooting conditions which will improve your overall practice and problem-solving skills.

Advanced Editing

Advanced Editing continues the work started in Editing Film in year two. On this course, you learn AVID to a more Advanced level, and continue developing your skills in using editing techniques to tell cinematic stories. There is also a focus on online editing and grading.

Advanced Podcast and Radio Features

You will develop sound acquisition, mixing and manipulation skills to an advanced level in this module.

Docs Without Rules

Docs Without Rules provides students with opportunities to explore creative documentary production using real world media techniques, tools, processes and briefs. The module explores the language and grammar of documentary film and how and why the rules can be broken and engenders in students a risk taking and explorative attitude to the creative development of their work.

TV Studio Unleashed

TV Studio Unleashed extends the student’s knowledge of and ability to practise specific TV studio production roles such as producer, director and PA as well as more technical roles such as lighting, vision mixing, sound, graphics and camera by hands-on training as well as meeting a range of current industry experts in TV studio roles. The module challenges students to move on from TV studio basics and create an original TV studio show where the content and vision is coherent, within a fully-functioning team, using all the resources at their disposal. Studio Unleashed engages students in the planning, and production of TV studio shows that could incorporate elements such as live audiences, outside sources, live links, VT inserts, Green screen, live music or whatever is appropriate, and develops collaborative, teamwork and leadership skills through practical projects.

Advanced Scriptwriting

In this module you will focus evaluating and reflecting on narrative themes and the use of characterisation within fiction and/or non fiction based film script forms. You will analyse structural models for linear and non-linear narrative, plot progression, conflict and paradigmatic opposition in film scripts. You will design and apply themes of narrative, genre and characterisation to practice through the production of a feature length script ready for a professional market.

Drama Unlimited

Drama Unlimited provides students with opportunities to explore creative drama production using real world media techniques, tools, processes and briefs. The module explore contemporary industry practices in the capture, realisation and distribution of drama and engenders in students a risk taking and explorative attitude to the creative development of their work. Students have the opportunity to investigate and apply the creative potential of new technologies and techniques in the development of productions and develop reflective skills as a function of the creative process.

Radio Studio and Beyond

The module extends practical experience in Radio Production with reference to different programme forms within the broadcast radio field through a series of practical exercises. Radio Studio and Beyond enhances students’ general experience in sound acquisition for studio and location radio production by focussing on more sophisticated production techniques. The module encourages a sophisticated audio aesthetic with regard to the required quality and range of radio sound produced within specific audio environments, and develops students’ ability to critically assess the production strengths and processes in their own work and that of professional audio productions.

Radio Entrepreneurs

Radio Entrepreneurs equip students with a sophisticated understanding of how to plan, create and manage an online radio station. The module explores the world of online radio and the wide range of commercial and community radio stations that serve a defined audience, locally and globally, and encourages entrepreneurship to provide students with business skills required to set up and fund an online community or commercial radio station. Radio Entrepreneurs equips students with advanced knowledge and foundational skills in website production and social media marketing, and develops students’ existing skills in audio/video editing, station sound, scheduling and multi-platform content creation.

Audio Storytelling

You will learn how to create short-form scripted content for audio (radio or podcast) based on a multiple-character drama or comedy format.

You'll also learn how to develop, write and produce audio drama through from concept and pre-production to post and delivery. You'll apply creative skills in audio capture and soundscape production with a range of contemporary production techniques and platforms.

21st Century Factual TV – Dissertation Only

The module provides a framework for understanding contemporary factual television using a range of perspectives including historical, cultural, industrial, and technological. Areas of study will include television documentary (e.g. ob docs, docu-soaps), the emergence of reality TV and its ongoing impact on factual television forms and genres, transformational television (e.g. lifestyle & makeover programming), and youth TV (factual programming aimed at the 16-25 year audience demographic). The module draws on examples from British and US factual television.

This module will develop to an advanced level your knowledge of contemporary factual television, and will provide you with the opportunity to conduct specialised academic research into a factual television genre/programme of your choosing.

Optional theory based modules:

Sonic Cultures

This module will explore the cultural impacts of sound recording and radio in terms of sonic cultures. The module will explore the variety of critical writing on sound; examine histories of sound recording and transmission; and, contextualise radio and sound recording within the broader context of sound studies. The module will introduce students to innovative and experimental uses of sound recording and transmission technologies.

British TV Fictions– Dissertation Only

Exploring the wide and varied history of drama on British television, the module will impart a sophisticated understanding of contemporary British TV fictions via their historical development; analyse the changing production contexts of British television drama; and, provide students with the advanced skills required to undertake close textual analysis of TV fictions. The module provides an opportunity for students to contextualise particular examples of TV drama in terms of production, format and audience.

Transmedia Storyworlds

The module explores the socio-cultural histories of transmedia franchises and their fictional storyworlds across TV, radio, films, comic books, and videogames. Transmedia Storyworlds equips students with an advanced understanding of how industrial forces shape productions of storyworld content across a given transmedia franchise and explores how adaptations of fictional storyworlds exploit the narrative affordances of a range of different media. The module equips students with an advanced understanding of transnational flows whereby cultures from around the world reimagine globally famous characters and storyworlds to establish locally specific meanings and critically examine the ideological positions of transmedia franchises and their storyworlds.

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?


As part of your radio and television degree, you’ll be provided with a timetable that will include a breakdown of your scheduled lessons with timeslots for you to explore your independent research interests. Your classes will be based at our MediaCity campus.

Teaching is delivered through large group lectures, seminars, demonstration workshops, small group supervision and personal tutorials. The tutors on this course are largely industry experienced, industry active or leaders in their field of academic theory.


An important part of our TV and radio production courses is how we assess you. There are no exams on this course, but we will expect you to create your own individual television or radio productions, as well as collaborating with others on team projects.


All our Film, TV and Radio courses are delivered by the School of Arts, Media and Creative Technology. We are a creative community with a focus on creating a collaborative environment where you can thrive and gain the skills needed to pursue your dreams.

Our Engagement Team coordinates school-wide events such as the Create Student Awards, academic conferences, networking and volunteering opportunities, welcoming and wellbeing fairs and exhibitions like our annual Degree Show.

For non-course matters, you will have access to our university-wide support service askUS, who will support and guide you to be successful in all aspects of your life.

Throughout your time at Salford, you’ll be mentored and supported by experts. And once you graduate, it won’t end there. You’ll join a thriving alumni network across Greater Manchester and beyond, meaning you’ll be supported professionally and personally whenever you need it. 


Our MediaCity facilities are industry-standard, so much so that they are used by our industry partners themselves.

When you study with us, you’ll learn from our experienced tutors and demonstrators who will teach you how to use our facilities. These include:

TV studios - our TV studios have been used by the BBC for a variety of broadcasts, such as the Olympics and Christmas music concerts, and they’re equipped with the same audio-visual systems used by ITV and Sky as well. The studios have green screen facilities as well as basic props so you can design and build sets for a range of projects. 

Green screen facilities - these allow you to create effects such as those you see on weather reports and incorporates a camera system and 3D graphics software.  

Audio production - we’ve got all the hardware and software you need to make sure you’ll know just how to create, edit, mix and master audio for film and television. Our main studios feature Avid S6 consoles – a similar set-up to those at our MediaCity neighbours, such as Dock10 and ITV. 

MakerSpace - bring your designs to life using 3D scanners and printers, power tools and a range of art and craft materials.  

Stop-frame studio – we have animation booths equipped with industry standard lighting, grip, software and cameras and learn just what it takes to make your ideas and storyboards a reality. 

Computer Suites and Editing Studios – our computer suites are equipped with the latest industry-standard software. You’ll learn from our experienced demonstrators, who’ll teach you the skills needed to turn your concepts into a reality.

Equipment stores - cameras, lighting kits and mics – they’re all essential to media production. But don’t worry, you won’t need to spend thousands of pounds to get the set-up you need – we have a fully equipped equipment store available for you to use and take out industry-standard kit.

To learn more about our outstanding facilities and to take a 360° tour of MediaCity, head to our Film, TV and Radio page.

Employment and stats

What about after uni?


Achieving a television and radio production degree at Salford will mean you’re well-equipped with the tools you need to pursue a professional career in whichever sector interests you most. Combining media production skills with industry engagement, our recent graduates have secured roles as diverse as producer, director, presenter, reporter and editor, working for reputable organisations like the BBC and ITV.

What’s more, the technical skills you’ll acquire working across a range of media platforms will be highly appealing to the growing digital economy, as large corporations, public sector and charitable organisations seek to enhance these areas of their businesses.

Read about Tanaka's graduate role as a researcher for CBeebies


Graduates showing strong academic and research skills can pursue a further postgraduate path through our Postgraduate programmes on a full-time or part-time basis subject to a satisfactory proposal. 

A taste of what you could become

A producer

A director

A presenter

A podcaster

A camera operator

And more...

Career Links

Soundsnap logo

Industry collaboration is at the heart of your learning at Salford. Thanks to a longstanding partnership with Soundsnap, you will have free access to sound effects resources during your studies.

Our location at the heart of MediaCity means that we are ideally placed to foster links with TV, radio and other media companies. You’ll have the opportunity to work on creative projects with media production companies, and may be offered work placements with our industry partners.


What you need to know


To gain a place on this radio and television degree, you’ll have to submit a personal statement and meet our entry requirements when you apply.

Within your radio and television degree personal statement (up to 4,000 characters), we’ll want to understand:

  • What motivates you and what current experiences do you have in terms of film, radio and media creation; whether that’s scriptwriting, using cameras or recording for radio, and editing for example?
  • Are you a creative thinker and how do you develop ideas?
  • Do you have any knowledge of the television and radio production industry or film sector; are there any projects that inspire you?
  • Why do you want to work in the radio and TV sector?
  • Why is the University of Salford and this Television and Radio Production degree the right choice for your future goals?

Applicants not taking A2 Media will have to demonstrate commitment to the study of media by other means; specifically, the personal statement should demonstrate sufficient and relevant media-related experienced.

Standard entry requirements


English Language at grade C/level 4 or above (or equivalent) is essential, Maths at grade C/level 4 or above is desirable. 

You must fulfil our GCSE entry requirements as well as one of the requirements listed below.

UCAS tariff points

104-112 points, including relevant media subjects. 

A level

104-112 points, including relevant media subjects. 

Not including General Studies.  

Applicants not taking A2 Media will have to demonstrate commitment to the study of media by other means; specifically, the personal statement should demonstrate sufficient and relevant media-related experienced.

T level


BTEC Extended Diploma


Access to HE

Pass Level 3 QAA approved Access Diploma with 104-112 points, to include relevant subject

Scottish Highers

104-112 including relevant subject

Irish Leaving Certificate

104-112 to include relevant subject, and attained through 4 higher grades

International Baccalaureate

30-31 points in a relevant subject 

European Baccalaureate

Pass in Diploma with 73-78% overall 

International students

We accept qualifications from all around the world. Find your country to see a full list of entry requirements.

If you are an international student and not from a majority English speaking country, you will need IELTS 6.0 with no element below 5.5.

We also accept a range of other English language qualifications. If you do not have the English language requirements, you could take the Pre-Sessional English course to gain entry onto this degree.

Alternative entry requirements

Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

We welcome applications from students who may not have formal/traditional entry criteria but who have relevant experience or the ability to pursue the course successfully.

The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) process could help you to make your work and life experience count. The APL process can be used for entry onto courses or to give you exemptions from parts of your course.

Two forms of APL may be used for entry: the Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) or the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).

How much?

Your tuition fees are regulated by the UK government who has proposed changes to tuition fees for UK students studying in England from 1 August 2025. The fee stated reflects this proposed change, but remains subject to parliamentary approval. Your tuition fees may increase in your first and each subsequent year of your programme to the maximum amount permitted by UK law or regulation for that academic year.

Type of study Year Fees
Full-time home 2025/26 £9,535.00per year
Full-time international 2025/26 £17,650.00per year

Additional costs

You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

Scholarships for International Students

If you are a high-achieving international student, you may be eligible for one of our scholarships. Explore our international scholarships.

Apply now

All set? Let's apply

Enrolment dates

September 2025

September 2026

UCAS information

Course ID W434

Institution S03