Undergraduate BSc (Hons)

Nursing (Children and Young People) with Health Care Foundation Year




Four year

Next enrolment

September 2025


In a nutshell

The Health Care Foundation Year (Year One) aims to provide you with an understanding of the basic essential healthcare concepts. This course also develops your skills and knowledge, preparing you for successful progression onto a degree course (Years Two to Four).

Children and young people nurses work in hospitals or in the community, offering support, education and care to people using health services.

On this course, you will experience the realities of contemporary 24-hour service provision when caring for patients across all aspects of the health/ill health continuum. 50% of your studies will be spent in hospital and community settings, within the NHS and independent sector which includes prison placements, where you will spend time in a well-supported environment, working alongside qualified practice assessors and supervisors.

On successful completion of this course, you will have a recognised degree qualification that leads to registration as a qualified nurse, with the Nursing and Midwifery Council. 

You will:

  • Develop the skills and knowledge to successfully study at Level 4.
  • Learn about the basic theories and concepts relating to healthcare.
  • Be taught by a multi-disciplinary programme team with experience in a range of professional health care settings.
Course details

All about the course

The Health Care Foundation Year will provide a solid foundation and pathway into one of our degree programmes such as BSc Nursing (Children and Young People). The key areas of study will be effective communication and study skills and you will be introduced to basic theories and concepts within disciplines. 

On this course, you will develop: 

  • An understanding of fundamental theories that will be developed further within the associated degree programme
  • The necessary skills and knowledge to study successfully at level 4
  • An awareness of the importance of communication and collaboration within healthcare professions, and develop these skills over the duration of the programme 
  • Numeracy skills and competencies required for your subject area

There are five modules, four have 20 credits and one has 40 credits, as detailed below.

Below you will find details of the modules for the Health Care Foundation Year and also those for the BSc Nursing (Children and Young People) to show what the progression would look like for years two to four. 

Foundation year

Foundations of Mental and Physical Health

This module will introduce you to the concepts that underpin physical and mental health.  It will ask the questions of ‘What is mental health?’ and ‘What is physical health?’.  By looking at different models of mental health and how the body functions physically the  module will focus on examining the relationship between maintaining good mental and physical health, the impact of this on health and wellbeing and how to promote this in your own life and when working with others.  Mental and physical health are closely linked and by studying both areas together you will learn to appreciate the relationship between the two.  This is a 40 credit module which runs across two trimesters and assessments for the module will build on each other, creating a theme throughout the year.

Introduction to Applied Sciences

This module will provide a firm grounding in the key applied sciences needed to study for a degree in a range of professions. You will be provided with a focused review of key biological, biomechanical and anatomical principles, allied to key applications in the vocational setting. A grounding in these applied sciences will ensure you are able to cope with the transition to level 4 studies. The assessment for this module will be a two-hour multiple choice exam.

Introduction to Exploring Evidence

Introduction to Exploring Evidence will build on the knowledge and understanding acquired in trimester one and will prepare you for your Level 4 studies and beyond. You will consider what is meant by scientific evidence, exploring the many different types and effective methods of searching for evidence. You will be introduced to the concept of appraising evidence and handling data.

Through small group work, tutorials and peer feedback you will apply your learning to a clinical or practical scenario that you observe in your chosen discipline.

University Life

This module has been designed to promote a positive and supportive transition from further to higher education, focusing initially on the importance of wellbeing to successful study.  The module will provide a firm grounding in the key skills required to be able to read, write and present in the academic world.  You will embed your learning through a series of large and small group activities using a problem-based approach.  Small group work will allow for regular, tailored feedback specific to small group tasks and group dynamics with a focus on your future chosen vocation. Following the completion of the module, you should feel very prepared for your journey at level 4 and beyond.

Working in Healthcare Settings

This module introduces you to the world of health care and its policies and guidelines necessary for people wanting to work in any health care setting. You will have the opportunity to work and learn with health care staff in class and be invited to visit a local hospital. The module assessment is a 1,500-word reflective essay, looking at your own experience of health services. This allows you to reflect on one of the important themes in health care today; the subject of user empowerment and choice.

Year one

Practice Module: Part 1

You will demonstrate the required NMC proficiencies commensurate with your stage of learning and development in year one in relation to your chosen field of practice and interprofessional practice (NMC part 1 progression). This will include developing skills in self-awareness/assessment and personal and professional development planning, working with different professions/non-professional groups within clinical placements.

Introduction to Children and Young People Nursing

This 20-credit module offers a field-specific introduction to Children and Young People Nursing. Students will learn essential nursing skills and the underpinning theory, through a blend of simulated practice learning, classroom activity and guided independent learning.

Transdisciplinary Science

The ability to understand anatomy, physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, and the ways in which our biological systems interact with our environment, our behaviour and the social systems we live in are integral to your interprofessional work as a student nurse.  You will begin in year one with a dedicated module to develop foundational knowledge in transdisciplinary science and evidence based practice.

Voices and Choices

You will acquire the essential knowledge, skills and professional attitudes needed to provide personalised care and support planning for service users, carers and significant others. You will develop knowledge of strength-based approaches to assessment and care planning (salutogenesis), including an awareness of political, legal and socioeconomic factors that influence the voices and choices of people you work with.

Year two

Children and Young People Field Specific Care Needs

This follows on from year one and you will deepen your knowledge of the key principles which underpin healthcare and begin to apply these to your chosen field of practice. This will be achieved through the exploration of case examples and the participation in simulated scenarios, providing you with the opportunity to put into practice the knowledge, skills and behaviours you are developing as a nurse of the future.

Developing Children and Young Peoples Nursing

This 20-credit module offers a field-specific development of Children and Young People Nursing, building on Introduction to Children and Young People Nursing. Students will continue to learn essential nursing skills and the underpinning theory, through a blend of simulated practice learning, classroom activity and guided independent learning.

Evidence Based Interventional Nursing

A key component to ensuring that your future practice stays up to date is your understanding and interpretation of the best available evidence.  During this module you will develop your ability to be able to find, evaluate and apply a range of different types of evidence to support both your own practice, and that of the multi-professional teams within which you work. Further to this you will also explore strategies to ensure that the personal preferences and needs of the patients and carers you are supporting are still maintained during your interactions with them.

Practice Module - Part 2

You will demonstrate the required NMC proficiencies commensurate with your stage of learning and development in year two in relation to your chosen field of practice and interprofessional practice (NMC part 2 progression). This will include developing skills in looking outwards from one’s own profession to consider relationships with other professional/nonprofessional people and the impact this has on care delivery.

Year three

Being an Autonomous Children and Young People’s Practitioner

You will develop the knowledge, skills and professional attitudes to facilitate the critical, systematic and contemporary application of the evidence base required to demonstrate autonomous nursing practice. This will be achieved through the delivery of a blended learning approach by way of seminars, master classes, action learning sets, practice and guided independent study. A feature of this module will be that some of the master classes will be delivered by specialist clinicians focusing upon quality, safety and personalised care across health and social care.

Being an Inspiring Children and Young People’s Practitioner

You will build upon your developing knowledge, skills and professional attitudes to facilitate the critical application of the evidence base required to demonstrate inspirational nursing practice. Aspects of leadership, management, team working and exploration of evidence based nursing practice, linked to both pathogenesis and salutogenesis will be implicit throughout.

Leading Children and Young Peoples Nursing

This 20-credit module will enable the student to consolidate their learning and demonstrate a critical understanding of looking outwards from one's own profession to consider relationships with other professional/non-professional people and the impact this has on care delivery in Children and Young People Nursing practice.   

Practice Module – Part 3

You will demonstrate the required NMC proficiencies commensurate with your stage of learning and development in year three in relation to your chosen  field of practice and interprofessional practice (NMC part 3 progression). This will include developing skills to enable you to practice independently and confidently, as a role model, and in so doing demonstrate systematic critical understanding of accountable, safe, compassionate, person-centred, evidence-based, nursing care which represents and maintains dignity and human rights and promotes this through reflection within recognised professional/inter professional, ethical, socio-political and legal frameworks.

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?


A wide range of teaching methods is used according to the nature of the module e.g. lectures, seminars, reflective practice, guided study, teamwork, and oral presentations. A number of alternative learning technologies are applied throughout the programme including podcasts, VLE, Facebook, YouTube and a student response system to provide an interactive experience for you.


Assessment methods are varied and include:

  • Written assignments

  • Presentations

  • Observed structured clinical examinations

  • Presentations either delivered live or recorded

  • Exams 

  • And assessments in practice 


Our Clinical Practice Wards are located in the Mary Seacole Building. There are four rooms designed to give the look and feel of a hospital environment. The rooms are furnished with patient beds, lockers, chairs, sinks and curtains as well as audio-visual equipment, internet and a teaching area.

We also have a number of clinical skills rooms that enhance student learning from taking blood pressure, to giving CPR and more complicated procedures. Along with nursing skills rooms where you can practice in a ward situation, there are basic skills rooms for sessions such as moving and handling.

School of Health and Society

The School of Health and Society is a forward-thinking, dynamic school with a commitment to lifelong learning and real world impact.

Our courses are informed by the latest research and we work closely with organisations from both the public and private sector to ensure our teaching is at the forefront of practice.


What you need to know

Your tuition fees are regulated by the UK government who has proposed changes to tuition fees for UK students studying in England from 1 August 2025. The fee stated reflects this proposed change, but remains subject to parliamentary approval. Your tuition fees may increase in your first and each subsequent year of your programme to the maximum amount permitted by UK law or regulation for that academic year.

This course isn’t suitable for international students. If you are an international student and interested in studying a foundation year, please visit our International Foundation Year course page.

Applicant profile

Nursing is not a nine-to-five job. Neither is being a student nurse:

  • You will be expected to work the same shifts as your practice supervisor in hospital and community settings
  • You do not get long holiday breaks; our course works on the basis of seven weeks of annual leave per year (six weeks are allocated and non-negotiable plus one week of flexible annual leave)
  • Your placement may be up to 90 minutes away from the University of Salford

Application process

As part of the application process, you may be invited to an interview. Have a look at our top ten tips for preparing for your interview. If you are offered an interview following your application, you will be sent further information about what to expect and what you need to bring with you on the day. 

This foundation year is designed for students who do not have the standard entry requirements to enter university at the degree level.

You can read about the entry requirements for individual nursing degree programmes here:

Standard entry requirements


English Language and Maths at grade C/grade 4 or above; or approved equivalency such as Key Skills / Functional Skills Level 2.

It is preferred that applicants already hold grade 4 or grade C or above in English Language/Literature and Mathematics GCSE or an approved alternative qualification, prior to making their application. Applicants who are in the process of completing their GCSE English Language and Mathematics or level 2 equivalents may also be considered.

For applicants who do not hold GCSE Mathematics grade C/4 or above, the following qualifications may be considered: Level 2 Functional Skills in Mathematics or a Maths Equivalency Test. For more information please visit www.equivalencytesting.com 

UCAS tariff points

80 points

BTEC Extended Diploma


How much?

Type of study Year Fees
Full-time home 2025/26 £8,505 for Foundation Year and £9,535 for subsequent years.

Additional costs

You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

Apply now

All set? Let's apply

Still have some questions? Register for one of our Open Days or contact us:

By email: enquiries@salford.ac.uk
By phone: +44 (0)161 295 4545

Enrolment dates

September 2025

September 2026

UCAS information

Course ID B706

Institution S03

81%of students say teaching staff have supported their learning well.

Data for courses in Children's nursing at The University of Salford

For more official course information visit Discover Uni

See course data

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