Undergraduate BSc (Hons)




With placement


Three year

Four year

Next enrolment

September 2024


In a nutshell

Chemistry is one of the most versatile scientific disciplines and opportunities in the field continue to grow and develop. We integrate the core branches of organic, physical, inorganic and analytical chemistry to meet the needs of employers for highly skilled chemists across the range of modern chemical industries.

We pride ourselves on our research and have recently invested extensively in our facilities to ensure that you are able to complete research projects that are exciting and inspiring, contributing useful findings to the field. Examples of research areas include nanotechnology, drug design and repurposing, cancer and antimicrobial research, analytical chemistry and molecular modelling.

This degree is accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry. This means that by completing your course, you will be well prepared for employment in industry by meeting the learning outcomes required by the RSC. These include developing your chemistry knowledge, technical ability, as well as transferable skills. 

This course is available for September 2024 entry only.

Start your study journey 

Register for our next Open Day to learn more about studying chemistry, explore our facilities and meet the course team 

You will:

  • Study the core branches of organic, physical, inorganic and analytical chemistry
  • Study an exciting programme, which will provide you with the sought after skills needed to work in the broad chemical industries sector
  • Explore the most versatile scientific discipline

options available


students accepted

Course accreditations

Royal Society of Chemistry (Accredited degree) logo

This is for you if...


You have an inquiring mind and are excited about using science to improve everyday lives


You have a passion for ‘experiments’ and enjoy learning in a laboratory environment


You are curious to know more about the world and how it work

Course details

All about the course

Chemistry students in biomedical lab

Course delivery

BSc Chemistry is delivered full-time over three years via a programme of practice-focused modules. You'll explore the core concepts of chemistry through a range of modules including biological chemistry, organic chemistry, and genetics, while you build your practical skills in our Bodmer labs.  

In your final year you will complete your studies with a supervised research project on a topic of your choice. 

Learn more about the course modules in the section below.

Learning experience

Throughout your degree, you'll develop your practical laboratory and research skills alongside building theoretical chemistry knowledge.

In your second year you'll have the option to study a module focused on green chemistry, and develop an understanding of how chemical products and processes can be designed to use renewable raw materials and eliminate toxic waste.

Industry placements

On this course, you will have the option to take an industry placement year between years two and three. Although you'll be responsible for securing your placement, a tutor will support you, monitor your progress and assess your final placement report.

Recent chemical sciences students have undertaken placements at our on-campus research charity Kidscan, as well as external organisations such as the Respiratory Physiology Unit at the Royal Aintree Hospital in Liverpool, AstraZeneca in Cheshire, the Cancer Research UK Manchester institute and the Hochschule in Bremen, North Germany.

Year one

Chemical Structure Determination

This module will help you develop the skills associated with identifying small organic molecules and on completion you will be able to use a range of spectroscopy and mass spectrometry data to determine the structures of small covalent compounds.


Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Skills

This is a practical laboratory based module aiming to develop practical skills in the areas of biochemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and general chemistry. The students will be involved in hands-on laboratory work covering a range of the essential techniques used in academia and industry. Students will be given feedback on their work during the classes. 

Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry

This module covers fundamental concepts of both inorganic and analytical chemistry. Laboratory sessions are designed to support the theory with practical skills on qualitative and quantitative analytical chemistry. Tutorial classes will support theoretical and practical classes with thematic problem solving.

Introduction to Physical Chemistry

This module is focused on the fundamentals of physical chemistry such as thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, phase diagrams, quantum mechanics and molecular geometry. The students will learn the theoretical concepts during traditional lectures & practical concepts during laboratory practicals and problem solving tutorials.  

Introductory Biochemistry

The aim of this module is to introduce principles of biochemistry. You will study biochemical pathways and organelles, relevant to cell biology.

Introduction to Organic Chemistry

The aim of this module is to introduce organic chemistry through structure and mechanism. You will study organic reactions of key functional groups such as alkenes, carbonyl and aromatic compounds.

Year two

Applied Chemical Skills

This module will help you develop computer-based and laboratory report-writing skills through a series of practicals and workshops. Good laboratory practice, including a full assessment of risk, will be included in all practical work.

Chemical and Biochemical Research Skills

This module will help you develop your scientific writing and communication skills and understand key statistical methods that may be applied to the chemical and biochemical sciences.

Bio-inorganic Chemistry

In this module you will learn the principles of inorganic chemistry and its applications to human health and to the environment.

Core Organic Chemistry

This module will provide students with the opportunity to critically evaluate and understand advanced organic chemistry concepts, practical methodologies and to use a range of primary and secondary information sources.

Core Physical Chemistry

This module is a research-informed FHEQ level 5 course that follows on the level 4 to inform, analyse and stimulate enquiry into fundamental and applied Physical Chemistry topics in problems of relevance to industry and wider applications. It features applied quantum mechanics, introduction to computational chemistry, advanced spectroscopy and colloidal nanoscience. Attributes developed: cognitive/analytical, subject knowledge, transferrable skills.

Green Chemistry

This module will help you develop an understanding of the fundamentals of sustainability and greenness, specifically to the area of green chemistry and will look at examples of good practice within academia and industry, and will be supported by guest lectures from industry speakers. 

Year three

Frontiers in Inorganic Chemistry

The aim of this module is to expand your knowledge in the area of inorganic chemistry, placing emphasis in the application of techniques such as radiation, biomaterials, metals, supercritical solvents, nanoscience and symmetry.

Advanced Organic Chemistry

In this module you will study more advanced topics in organic chemistry such as concepts and rules governing pericyclic reactions and designing stereoselective routes to chiral molecules.

Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry

This module is a research-informed FHEQ level 6 course that aims to inform, analyse and stimulate active learning through critical evaluation of the physico-chemical topics in real world applications. It engages students with an authentic assessment offering transferrable skills via guided coaching on writing of the research proposals and professional scientific communication, the employable toolkit for the build-up of student’s CVs. It features physico-chemical properties and methods in applied colloidal nanomaterials aimed for bio-nano interface analysis, pathogen protection, biomedical and food chemistry, applications of current spectroscopy in authenticity assessment and/or conservation of the arts heritage. The module expands the knowledge towards application of the computational methods and soft matter systems and polymers.

Science and Industry

This module will help you develop the understanding of the fundamentals of sustainability and greenness and recovery from a post-pandemic landscape featuring skills sets of biochemistry, chemistry, biomedical, pharmaceutical and personal health care from the laboratory to gaining understanding of the workings of industry. The material issued as lecture notes and support guides will be all released pre-module and each lecture session will ‘flip-learning’ to ‘workshop’ through the academic staff and invited industry speakers for ‘real world’ experience

Final Year Project and Professional Skills

This dissertation module allows you to develop independent research skills, including both data collection/generation (for example, via lab-based research or fieldwork) and analysis, while conducting research on a topic in an area relevant to your programme of study. You will also develop your professional skills, with a focus on employability. 

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?


The co-creation of knowledge is an overarching learning and teaching strategy at Salford. We encourage you to see yourself as a producer of knowledge and a collaborator in your learning experience.

Learning methods are designed to train you to assess real-life situations and provide measures that would lead to improved professional practice.Typical methods will include:

  • Lectures which will introduce you to core chemistry topics, with seminars and tutorials providing opportunities to discuss them with your tutors and other students in smaller groups and develop your understanding
  • Laboratory practicals delivered in our Bodmer Laboratories will enable you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios, build proficiency using equipment  and complete project work


Assessment strategies are designed to develop your skills for future employability and assessment success. Feedback is regularly provided in the form of personal written communication, online notes, and group-based feedback.

Typical assessment is a combination of coursework and examination. Continuous assessment methods typically include:

  • Research projects
  • Laboratory reports
  • Essays
  • Literature reviews
  • Data analysis
  • Presentations 
What you want to know

Frequently asked questions

What is chemistry?  

Chemistry is the study of matter involving the analysis of its structure, properties and behaviour to see what happens when they change in chemical reactions.   

What are the 5 types of chemistry?  

Traditionally, chemistry has been broken into five main subdisciplines: Organic, Analytical, Physical, Inorganic and Biochemistry.  

Our BSc (Hons) Chemistry programme involves a range of learning spanning organic, physical and analytical chemistry. We offer separate programmes focusing on biochemistry and programmes focusing on the field of Pharmaceutial Science.  

Is a chemistry degree hard?  

Studying one of our Chemistry degrees can be challenging yet offer many rewarding benefits. They often intersect more than one discipline, such as biology and chemistry, giving a variety of concepts and theories to cover. At the University of Salford, you will be at the cutting-edge of research and the projects you will undertake will be exciting and inspiring.  

Despite the challenging and busy nature of our Chemistry programmes, they can also be very rewarding as you’ll be building your knowledge and making an impact in such important fields that end up saving lives.  By the end of your degree, you will have developed many key skills including teamwork, communication, numerical and data analysis and independent thinking.  

There are methods to ensure you’re getting the best of your degree, including practicing good time management and making time for yourself to recharge. If you find your studies overwhelming, there will be support available from your lecturers and university support staff.  

What can you do with a Chemistry degree? 

After graduating with your chemistry degree, you can embark on an array of career opportunities in both the public and private sectors. If you're looking to make a real impact on the future, then choosing a chemistry degree will ensure you are prepared and can lead you to a variety of exciting careers such as:  

  • Analytical chemist  
  • Forensic scientist  
  • Toxicologist  
  • Pharmacologist  
  • Nuclear engineer  
  • Environmental consultant

...and more!

School of Science, Engineering and Environment

Rising to the challenge of a changing world, our degree courses are designed to shape the next generation of urbanists, scientists, engineers, consultants and leaders.

Driven by industry, and delivered by supportive programme teams, you can develop the knowledge and skills to become unstoppable in your career


As a chemistry student, you will be based in our advanced, integrated teaching laboratory known as the Bodmer Lab. This specialist, purpose built facility ensures that you benefit from the latest technologies to keep teaching and learning apace with cutting-edge innovation and discovery.

Industry collaboration and research

When you start this degree with Salford, you are also joining a community making a difference in industry, our local region and in our wider society.

Many of our academics and technicians who support your course also deliver collaborative, interdisciplinary, high-impact work in a range of bioscience issues and challenges.

Discover how you are part of something bigger.

Employment and stats

What about after uni?

A bioscientist using equipment


We place a high emphasis on developing your employability, using placements and technical support to ensure you are prepared to enter industry or pursue further study or scientific research. As a Chemistry graduate, you will be highly-skilled in areas where healthcare research and the pharmaceuticals sector have skills shortages.

A Chemistry degree will provide you advanced laboratory techniques and transferable skills, both  highly regarded by employers in contract research organisations, small and big pharma, analytical based companies (both independent and governmental - such as forensic analysis).

Career roles are also available in range of chemical industries including lubricants, synthesis, quality control, food, cosmetics, materials, construction, toiletries, clinical settings and more.

Further study

You might find you want to learn more about biosciences. Building on our scientific expertise, we offer a range of postgraduate courses that can take your interests and career opportunities further. Salford graduates and alumni also receive a generous fees discount. 

Chemistry graduates can also choose to follow a research programme with our Biomedical Research Centre to further their knowledge in topics such as microbiology, parasitology, medicinal chemistry, cancer and cell biology. Learn more about postgraduate research opportunities available through our Doctoral School.

A taste of what you could become

An analytical chemist

A biotechnologist

A forensic scientist

A research scientist

A toxicologist

And more...


What you need to know

Applicant profile

Chemistry is one of the most versatile scientific disciplines leading to lots of exciting career pathways. If you have a passion designing and making new materials, analysing different scenarios, working towards sustainability for a green world, helping to cure diseases, discover the legal and ethical aspects of science then this course if for you.

You will need a solid grounding in chemistry, usually from studying A-Level Chemistry, or perhaps by completing our foundation year or an equivalent access course.

English language requirements

If you are an international student and not from a majority English speaking country, you will need an IELTS score of 6.0 with no element below 5.5. We also accept a range of other English language qualifications.

If you do not have the English language requirements, you could take the Pre-Sessional English course to gain entry onto this degree. 

Course accreditation

This course is accredited by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Accredited degree programmes contain a solid academic foundation in chemistry knowledge and key skills, and prepare graduates to address the needs of employers.

The accreditation criteria require evidence that graduates from accredited programmes meet defined sets of learning outcomes, including subject knowledge, technical ability and transferable skills.

Standard entry requirements


English language and mathematics at grade C or 4 or above. Equivalents are accepted.

You must fulfil our GCSE entry requirements as well as one of the requirements listed below.

UCAS tariff points

112 UCAS points including Chemistry grade C. A pass in the practical element of science A levels must be achieved.


A Level

112 points including Chemistry grade C. A pass in the practical element of science A levels must be achieved.


BTEC National Diploma

DMM in a suitable science subject, which must include chemistry. 

Scottish Highers

112 points from Higher Level, including Higher Level Chemistry


Irish Leaving Certificate

112 points from Higher Level, including Higher Level Chemistry


European Baccalaureate

Pass in Diploma of at least 60% including at least one science subject

International Baccalaureate

28 points including grade 4 in Higher Level Biology and Chemistry. 


Access to HE

112 UCAS points from QAA-approved Science access course, must include Chemistry.

BTEC Higher National Diploma

Possible entry to year 3

Foundation Degree

Possible entry to year 3

International Students

We accept qualifications from all around the world. Find your country to see a full list of entry requirements.

Alternative entry requirements

Salford Alternative Entry Scheme (SAES)

We welcome applications from students who may not meet the stated entry criteria but who can demonstrate their ability to pursue the course successfully. Once we have received your application we will assess it and recommend it for SAES if you are an eligible candidate.

There are two different routes through the Salford Alternative Entry Scheme and applicants will be directed to the one appropriate for their course. Assessment will either be through a review of prior learning or through a formal test.

How much?

Type of study Year Fees
Full-time home 2024/25 £9,250.00per year
Full-time international 2024/25 £17,040.00per year
Part-time 2024/25 Part-time costs will be calculated on a pro rata basis
Full-time home 2025/26 £9,250.00per year
Full-time international 2025/26 £17,650.00per year

Additional costs

You should also consider further costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

Scholarships for International Students

If you are a high-achieving international student, you may be eligible for one of our scholarships. Explore our international scholarships.

Apply now

All set? Let's apply

Enrolment dates

September 2024

September 2025

UCAS information

Course ID F122

Institution S03