Postgraduate MSc

Nuclear Medicine Imaging




19 month

Next enrolment

September 2024


In a nutshell

As a healthcare professional, this course offers you a valuable multidisciplinary opportunity to participate in continuing professional development.

During your time with us, you'll tackle five compulsory modules that will develop a deep understanding of the theory of nuclear medicine imaging. Practically, it will allow you to develop skills in nuclear medicine that will allow you to practice competently and deal with complex and challenging situations

The course takes a blended approach to learning (also known as hybrid learning) that combines online lectures, tutorials and workshops through our virtual learning environment (BlackBoard) with traditional in-person teaching at the University. 

The opportunity to come to University and meet your peers is important as it helps to develop a sense of community and you are able to support each other through the programme. The time at university is highly valued by students.

You must have a UK-based clinical placement before commencing the course and spend a minimum of 3 days per week in clinical practice (excluding annual leave and weeks at the University). We can advise on this should you not have a placement but please note we cannot arrange it for you. Please contact the programme leader Rob Higgins for advice:

This CPD course is approved by the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM)

You will:

  • Gain a qualification that's professionally accredited by the Society of Radiographers.
  • Receive guidance and tuition from respected nuclear medicine professionals.

Course accreditations

IPEM approved logo
The College of Radiographers approved logo

This is for you if...


You want to specialist in nuclear medicine.


You have the ability to work and communicate well with all types of people.


You have great interpersonal skills.

Course details

All about the course

This course is made up of five compulsory modules which integrate theory with the clinical application and practice of nuclear medicine. There is a clinical practice requirement for the duration of the PgDip and you will be required to work closely with a nominated clinical supervisor. 

The PGDip runs over one year making use of the three trimesters. The dissertation module continues in year 2 if you wish to continue. There is the option of returning to complete the MSc after a break in your studies. You are advised to discuss with the programme leader the best option for you. 

The course structure provides you with the chance to exit with the following awards:

  • Postgraduate Diploma: five modules over one year.
  • Master's: five modules plus a dissertation over a total of 19 months.
Year one

Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine

This module will provide you with the knowledge and skills to evaluate critically the underlying principles of nuclear medicine. This includes equipment function and quality control testing, administration and uptake of radio-pharmaceuticals, processing and display of acquired data. Using published literature, legislation and guidance you will be able to discuss critically the role nuclear medicine plays in patient management. You will be able to make informed choices on the appropriate imaging parameters for studies and assess the range of factors that are critical to successful imaging.

Advanced Concepts in Nuclear Medicine

This module builds on principles covered in semester trimester one and will allow you to develop a comprehensive understanding of the principles of nuclear medicine in advanced techniques such as nuclear cardiology, infection imaging and neurology. The principles of tomographic (SPECT and PET) image acquisition and processing are discussed alongside an evaluation of the role these play in patient management.

Scientific Principles of Hybrid Imaging

This module looks at the technology of hybrid imaging in nuclear medicine. The module is designed to complement the Fundamentals and Advanced modules by covering topics of hybrid imaging at a time that is relevant to the other modules. The optimization of dose and image quality in CT and safety and image quality in MR will be covered. You will be able to discuss critically methods of image formation, reconstruction and correction of or fusion with emission data. This module is available as part of the Advanced medical imaging programme or as stand-alone.

Clinically based Practices in Nuclear Medicine

Learning for this module takes place mainly in your clinical department. Within this module, you will integrate the theoretical principles covered in the academic modules into your practice. On successful completion of this module, you will be able to conduct competently and safely a range of nuclear medicine imaging procedures and adapt to a complex clinical caseload. You will consider opportunities and potential barriers to advance your career in nuclear medicine through role development.

Statistics and Research Methods in Nuclear Medicine

This module will allow you to develop skills in research related to nuclear medicine. Building on the learning activities of the other modules you will develop skills and knowledge in ethical matters, experimental design and dissemination of research findings. An online statistics tutorial package will help in your development of knowledge and skills in data analysis. The module will help prepare you for the dissertation module should you wish to continue to MSc.

Year two


Completed following successful completion of 120 credits this module is designed to enable you to develop further an independent and bespoke route to your learning, allowing you to enhance your skills using systematic processes of enquiry to investigate an aspect of professional, clinical or organisational practice. This module is specifically designed to instil an approach to practice that is critically reflective and evidence-based. You will negotiate your option with the module leader, taking account of your professional/practice interests and learning needs, and the expertise available within the research and scholarly community in the Diagnostic Imaging Research Programme. These choices will be underpinned by a thorough consideration of research, clinical governance and ethical issues within your practice context and in accordance with University frameworks.

Please note that it may not be possible to deliver the full list of options every year as this will depend on factors such as how many students choose a particular option. Exact modules may also vary in order to keep content current. When accepting your offer of a place to study on this programme, you should be aware that not all optional modules will be running each year. Your tutor will be able to advise you as to the available options on or before the start of the programme. Whilst the University tries to ensure that you are able to undertake your preferred options, it cannot guarantee this.

What will I be doing?


Your learning will be delivered through lectures, seminars, online learning and group work. 

You'll receive support from course tutors over email and via our virtual learning environment, Blackboard, where you can access discussion boards, online lectures, podcasts, videos and other learning materials.


Fundamentals of Nuclear Medicine:

  • Description and justification of a quality control procedure for a gamma camera (50%)
  • Critique and justification of a clinical imaging protocol (50%)

Advanced Concepts of Nuclear Medicine:

  • Case Study written in a style suitable for publication (100%)

Scientific Principles of Hybrid Imaging in Nuclear Medicine:

  • Electronic exam (2 hours) (100%)

Clinically based practices in Nuclear Medicine:

  • Objective structured clinical examination (30%)
  • Portfolio of clinical learning and experience (70%)

Statistics and Research Methods in Nuclear Medicine:

  • A Narrated Digital Experiment Poster (100%)

Staff profiles

Programme Leader: Robert Higgins

Rob joined the University of Salford in 2013 as a lecturer in Radiography. Prior to joining the University Rob worked as a Diagnostic Radiographer in the NHS undertaking a range of duties including DEXA bone densitometry, practice educator, research radiographer and as a clinical specialist in Nuclear Medicine. For his PhD Rob evaluated a Research-informed Teaching model for undergraduate learning and research skills development using collaborative enquiry-based learning. Rob has a strong interest with the integration of teaching with research, student learning and pedagogical research. Rob's current research is exploring the experiences and perspectives by radiography practitioners when providing care for people living with dementia.

Dr Andrew Tootell

The School of Health and Society

The School of Health and Society is home to a dedicated suite of imaging facilities. A £2.5 million University investment and collaboration with GE Healthcare has resulted in the Centre for Medical Imaging at The University of Salford with unrivalled clinical and simulation facilities. The Imaging Facility comprises of the Revolution Maxima CT scanner, 2 Discovery static digital X-ray systems, Optima digital mobile X-ray system, 5 ultrasound scanners, and purchased through an alumni grant from Garfield Weston a Songraphe Pristina 3D full-field digital mammography system.

We have an extensive collection of anatomical and physics phantoms and dosimeter equipment that is available to students undertaking the dissertation module.


The School of Health and Society is home to a dedicated suite of imaging facilities. During the scientific principles of hybrid imaging module, you will have access to the University’s CT scanner where you will be able to undertake practical workshops.

We have an extensive collection of anatomical and physics phantoms and dosimeter equipment that is available to students undertaking the dissertation module.

Employment and stats

What about after uni?

This course will equip you with the skills and knowledge that will qualify you for additional roles and responsibilities, which, in turn, will enhance your career opportunities. You will have the knowledge and skills to be able to work in any nuclear medicine department. You will have developed knowledge and skills in research and will be able to evaluate critically published literature and use this to inform practice. You will have skills in creating and disseminating original. 

Graduates of this programme have gained senior positions in clinical departments, industry and in education and research. 

Career Links

The programme team is made up of academic and clinical staff from a range of professional backgrounds including radiographers, clinical technologists, physicists, radiologists and nuclear medicine physicians. Staff have a wealth of experience in practice and research to ensure the course content is current. We have strong links with industry especially in the North West. 

The department has a formal partnership with General Electric (GE). This strong link with industry enables some teaching and learning with technical experts in addition to external clinical experts. 


What you need to know

Applicants must have a previous degree in a relevant healthcare subject.

You must have an appropriate UK-based clinical placement before commencing the course and spend a minimum of 3 days per week in clinical practice (excluding annual leave and weeks at the University). We can advise on this should you not have a placement but please note we cannot arrange it for you. Please contact the programme leader for advice.

English language requirements 

Please note, we can only accept international applicants who hold a tier 2 visa and UK/EU health professionals. This course is not suitable for applicants who require a tier 4 visa.

International applicants will be required to show proficiency in English. An IELTS score of 7.0 (with no component less than 6.5) is proof of this.

Standard entry requirements

Undergraduate degree

2:1 or above in any healthcare related course.

Alternative entry requirements

Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL)

We welcome applications from students who may not have formal/traditional entry criteria but who have relevant experience or the ability to pursue the course successfully.

The Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) process could help you to make your work and life experience count. The APL process can be used for entry onto courses or to give you exemptions from parts of your course.

Two forms of APL may be used for entry: the Accreditation of Prior Certificated Learning (APCL) or the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).

How much?

Type of study Year Fees
Full-time home 2024/25 £8,820.00per year
Full-time international 2024/25 £16,380.00per year
Full-time home 2025/26 £9,100.00per year
Full-time international 2025/26 £17,000.00per year

Additional costs

You should consider additional costs which may include books, stationery, printing, binding and general subsistence on trips and visits.

Apply now

All set? Let's apply

Still have some questions? Register for one of our Open Days or contact us:

By email:
By phone: +44 (0)161 295 4545

Enrolment dates

September 2024

September 2025