Conference Management
We offer a full management service for all of your event and conference needs. This can be completely tailored to suit you, with the aim of giving you the time to concentrate on the conference programme and your guests.
This is a service open to all staff at the University and your chosen event can be at a venue either on or off campus. We can work alongside Associations in the planning and delivery of your event if required.
Our Conference Management Service Consists of:
Bid Preparation & Budget Setting
- Work with Visit Manchester, the tourist board for Greater Manchester, to prepare a letter of intent and professional bid document
- Create a budget to ensure that the conference is financially viable
Delegate Registration & Abstract Management
- Set the delegate fees at an appropriate rate
- Manage the delegate registration process and payment of fees
- Liaise with delegates with any pre-conference queries
- Work with Visit Manchester to provide an accommodation finding service
- Manage the abstract submission process
- Work with the reviewing panel and feedback to the authors
- Produce the abstract book or proceedings
- Make the practical arrangements for the poster sessions
- Arrange all the print requirements
- Arrange a specific conference app for the delegates to download if required
- Put together event proposal and plans
- Provide guidance on health & safety issues
- Arrange entertainment
- Arrange a social programme for delegates and accompanying persons
- Create an app for the conference if required
- Source delegate packs if required
- Attend and advise at organising committee meetings
- Arrange contracts and liaise with suppliers
- Manage income and expenditure
- Arrange gifts for speakers & delegates
- Promote the event via social media and encourage delegate interaction
- Work with colleagues at the University to secure sponsorship
- Liaise with exhibitors regarding the practical arrangements for set up at the conference
The Venue
- Arrange & attend site visits (on or off campus)
- Negotiate with venue on price and service levels
- Arrange transport to and from venues and social activities
- Arrange catering and liaise with the venue's caterers
- Liaise with venues on room layout, audio-visual requirements, car parking and housekeeping arrangements
The Conference
- Conduct delegate registration
- Be a point of contact/information for delegates and organisers throughout the conference
- Attend any social events such as the Conference Dinner and act as a point of contact with the venue
- Liaise with exhibitors and provide venue information and support on the day
- Act as a Master of Ceremonies at the conference, dinner and other social events
- Prepare a post-conference report
- Conduct post-event evaluation survey (app,e-mail, hard copy)
Blended Events
We are happy to help you deliver your conference whether this be:
- Face to Face
- Fully Online
- Partially Online
- Hybrid
We provide full support at every step of the process
What Our Customers say
"The support from Clare Forster and her team throughout the entire process, from the preparation of the original bid onwards, has been absolutely crucial. Without their support and their professional event management experience, I think it is true to say that the conference simply could not have happened."
Dr Darren Broom, Hiden Isochema
MH2014 Organising Committee
"I felt I had exactly the right amount of support being fully consulted where I needed to be but with the team taking responsibility for everything else. Congratulations on such a professional service."
Professor Richard Baker
School of Health Sciences
Conference Ambassadors
Manchester's Conference Ambassador Programme offers the partnerships and support necessary to inspire and enable individuals to host prestigious national and international conferences in Manchester.
Ambassadors are experts in their field. Drawn from key academic and industry sectors, they are enthusiastic in their support for Manchester as a world class conference destination. Ambassador-led conferences generate substantial economic impact for the city and raise the profile of Manchester's institutions and research areas.
Why become an Ambassador?
- Secure prestigious events for Manchester
- Be recognised as a leader in your field of expertise
- Showcase the university to global leaders in your industry
- Shape conference programme content
- Establish worldwide links and research partnerships
- Stimulate funding and investment opportunities
- Contribute to the university’s strategic aims
- Expose postgraduates and undergraduates to latest research
- Generate positive economic benefit for Manchester
How we can help
When you bid to host a conference in Manchester we will help you with one-to-one expert knowledge and support. Our suite of valuable services to help you through the process, includes bid production, venue finding, accommodation booking and conference delivery services.
Past Conferences
We have managed a number of conferences. Please see a full list below:
- NASTAS - October 2020
- IFIPWG9.4 European Conference on the Social Implications of Computers in Developing Countries- 9-11 June 2020
- UoS Conference on Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - 12 December 2019
- BAME Symposium - 29 October 2019
- iBEE Conference 2019:Digital Futures? Built Environment - 3-5 July 2019
- NLDB - 26-28 June 2019
- Understanding Food Poverty and the Transitional Behaviour of Vulnerable Individuals - 25 April 2019
- TIPS - March 2019
- Smart Meters Conference - February 2019
- 3D Human Movement Conference - July 2018
- 1st International Social Prescribing Network Conference - June 2018
- Colloquium on Understanding Digital Events - June 2018
- Creative Entrepreneurs - November 2017
- TaPRA Conference - 30 Aug-1 Sep 2017
- Military Veterans Conference:Transition to Civilian Life - 22 June 2017
- University Alliance - June 2017
- The 6th Engage HEI Conference: Impact and Practice - 16-17 May 2017
- 16th Annual Meeting of the Clinical Movement Analysis Society - 6-7 April 2017
- Nurturing Socially Responsible Entrepreneurs - March 2017
- SBS Marketing Conference - December 2016
- HCC12 IFIP TC9 Human Choice and Computers Conference - September 2016
- NLDB2016 - 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems - 22-24 June2016
- The Association of University Chief Security Officers (AUCSO) Conference - 5-7 April 2016
- Pushing Boundaries, Flying Higher:writing and reading the young adult novel - 9 April 2016
- Knowledge Transfer Partnerships National Conference 2015 - 15-16 November 2015
- Politics of Location Conference - 12 November 2015
- Governance of Energy Transition Workshop - September 2015
- Salford Institute for Dementia - September 2015
- EUSSSI - 29-31 July 2015
- Engineering Professors' Council Annual Congress 2015 - 14-15 April 2015
- Pushing Boundaries, Flying Higher 2015 - 21 March 2015
- Aspects of Digital Innovation Conference - 12 February 2015
- Salford International Media Festival - November 2014
- Community Media Futures - October 2014
- 14th International Symposium on Metal-Hydrogen Systems - 20-25 July 2014
- Forum for Access and Continuing Education's (FACE) 21st Annual Conference - 2-4 July 2014
- Changing Prospects for Cancer Conference - 4 April 2014
- Digital Economy 2013:Open Digital - November 2013
- Orthotics Conference - September 2013
- Research Society for Victorian Periodicals Annual Conference - July 2013
- Leisure Studies Association Annual Conference - July 2013
- Association of Internet Researchers (AOIR) Conference - IR 13:Technologies - October 2012
- Dementia Design Conference - September 2012
- Faith & Sexuality Conference - September 2012
- International Association for the Study of Popular Music Conference - September 2012
- Rhythm Changes Conference - April 2012
- Retrofit 2012 Conference - January 2012
- Constraint-Based Reconstruction and Analysis (COBRA) Conference - September 2011
- 10th International Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC) - September 2011
- Salford Centre for Research & Innovation Conference - September 2011
- Education in the Changing Environment (ECE) - July 2011
- Sixth Evidence Based Library and Information Practice (EBLIP6) - June 2011
- Retrofit:Launch of the University of Salford Energy House - January 2011
- Human Rights Conference - June 2010
- CIB World Congress - May 2010
- Universities Nuclear Technology Forum (UNTF) - April 2010
- Smart City Futures - July 2009
- SunGuard European User Group(SEUG) - January 2007
"The support from Clare Forster and her team throughout the entire process, from the preparation of the original bid onwards, has been absolutely crucial. Without their support and their professional event management experience, I think it is true to say that the conference simply could not have happened."
Dr Darren Broom, Hiden Isochema
MH2014 Organising Committee
"I felt I had exactly the right amount of support being fully consulted where I needed to be but with the team taking responsibility for everything else. Congratulations on such a professional service."
Professor Richard Baker
School of Health Sciences