School of Health and Society: Employability Support

Boost your employability, gain industry experience, and unlock graduate-level opportunities! Get the support you need to excel in Psychology, Sports Rehabilitation, Nutrition and Exercise in Medicine, Sports Science, Social Policy, Sociology, or Criminology. Discover placement opportunities and develop essential skills for your future success. 

Employability support

Cathy Deihim portrait

Cathy Deihim is your Employability Advisor and can offer you valuable 1:1 (one-to-one) support. Get in touch with Cathy for a tailored advice session to match your needs: finding work placements, internships, graduate schemes, volunteering and part-time work opportunities to boost your employability.

Get in touch:

Come along this June and July to our Pop Up Job Shop in Allerton Reception. Between 10:00-14:00 on the dates below, you can meet our team, explore long and short term paid job opportunities and hear from guests including Salford CVS, Chalk Education, Into University and more.

Date Guests
Thursday 26 June Salford CVS and Advocacy Focus
Thursday 10 July Chalk Education and You Choose Work
Thursday 17 July Time Specialist Group and Tutor Trust
Thursday 31 July School of Sport and Into University


Find the perfect work placement

Transform your academic knowledge into real-world skills through work-integrated learning. Gain valuable industry experience, build a strong network, make informed career choices, and stand out as a competitive job applicant. Health and Society students can work with charities, professional sports teams, healthcare settings, and more. Recent opportunities include Salford CVS, Salford Foundation, Reach out, Change Grow Live, and the Greater Manchester Probation Service. Elevate your career prospects today! 

Talks to boost your employability

Student listening to a speaker from the CPS

Get career insights and enhance your employability skills with our team's exciting Boost talks. Led by industry professionals and community organisations, these talks provide valuable tips on kickstarting your desired career and answer your burning questions. Recent Boost talks have showcased speakers from Teach First, youth-based charities, the civil service, and the Adelphi Group for graduate opportunities. Don't miss out on this opportunity! 

Alumni Insights talks

A degree from the University of Salford is often the first step in a long, successful career and provides opportunities to work within a wide range of industries. That's why the Alumni team regularly invite graduates back to share their industry experience with current students.

Recent Alumni Insights talks have featured alumni now pursuing careers in Psychology, Law, English & Creative Writing and more. You'll learn how to stand out to future employers, tips for finding success in your chosen field and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.


More support for career development

Employability advisers like Cathy are based within all the schools, each with a particular remit. Cathy covers the non allied health programmes which include Psychology, Sports Rehabilitation, Nutrition and exercise as Medicine, Sports Science, Social Policy, Sociology and Criminology. The Careers and Enterprise team, however, provide support to all students within the School, including all allied and non allied health programmes.  

This support includes information, advice and guidance on:

  • career planning
  • finding and applying for employment opportunities
  • writing and tailoring CVs
  • interview preparation
  • business start-up
  • freelancing
  • further study.

Throughout the year the team also provide online resources, bookable appointments, employability workshops and employer events.