
Employers are becoming increasingly more positive and proactive about hiring talented people with disabilities. There are many recognised benefits of doing so for the company, economy, and society, which include: 

  • Expanding a company’s talent pool during recruitment meaning they get the best candidate, regardless of disability/ability. 

  • Bringing diverse experiences, expertise, and skills into the company to create a more vibrant and resilient workforce. 

  • Driving positive changes which likely benefit all employees of the organisation, as well as their customers and clients. 

Under the Equality Act 2010, you are classified as having a disability if you have a long-term condition that substantially impacts your ability to conduct normal, day-to-day activities. This includes mental health conditions. You do not need to have an official diagnosis to be able to access support relating to your health at work.  

If you meet this definition of disability, you are entitled to Reasonable Adjustments at work, including during the hiring process. Examples of Reasonable Adjustments include: 

  • Flexible working hours 
  • Adapted equipment at work, such as an orthopaedic chair and desk, screen reader, etc,  
  • Extra time to complete tasks 
  • Adapted recruitment process, such as receiving interview questions in writing before the interview. 

The Careers and Enterprise team are committed to ensuring our resources, appointments and facilities are accessible. We can provide a range of information and guidance resources available in alternative formats, for example, in text format or in large print. Adapted appointments are available upon request. These can include:

  • shortened or extended timeslots for appointments
  • different locations, including online or over the phone
  • a chaperone/advocate present to help you communicate during your appointment.

Please contact us to arrange these adaptations in advance.  


University resources

  • Disability Inclusion Service. Offers information and advice to students with disabilities on accessing support for their learning at the University of Salford. 
  • Inclusive Library Support. Information outlining the access to services that the Library provides. 
  • AccessAble provides a map with detailed directions and access information about buildings across campus 
  • University of Manchester - DSA QAG Accredited Assessment Centre. Access Summit is a local assessment centre that supports registered and prospective University of Salford students who require a Disabled Students Allowance assessment of needs. Access Summit are also a support worker provider. 
  • Disabled Students Allowance. A government grant to help students with disabilities pay for additional costs associated with studying. This could be paying for a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter, or specialist equipment. 


Disability & Employability resources 

  • A-Z - a list of resources regarding employment for people with disabilities.  
  • Disability Confident Scheme. Many employers have signed up to this government initiative to recognise their commitment to empowering their candidates and employees with disabilities.  
  • My Plus Students' Club. Provides specialised support for navigating the recruitment process, disclosure and specialist information surrounding disability confident employers. 
  • Change100. A summer internship programme designed with disability inclusion at its heart, in partnership with a variety of employers across the UK. 
  • Library Services for Visually Impaired People (VIP). Manchester Public Libraries have two VIP Units that specialise in delivering services to blind and partially sighted people.  
  • Breakthrough UK provides employment support to disabled people in North Manchester. 
  • Jobcentre Plus can help you get into work. They offer guidance and information on the Disability Symbol, showcasing disability-inclusive employers. 
  • Employ-ability provides advice and opportunities for disabled students and graduates, such as their Empowerment Training to coach students with disabilities through the recruitment process and beyond. 
  • Shaw Trust - a national charity. It offers training and work opportunities for those facing disadvantages due to disability or health. Shaw Trust aims to achieve a future where good, meaningful, rewarding, purposeful and dignified employment is accessible to all. 
  • The National Autistic Society offers employment resources for students through their Autism at Work programme. They promote accessible roles to autistic jobseekers, and support successful candidates, and their managers, to create the best possible conditions for success. Their free Finding Employment course is designed to help jobseekers with autism. 
  • Exceptional Individuals provides job support for neurodiverse individuals, including how to identify and communicate your strengths to employers. 
  • Regard - Support and awareness for LGBTQ+ people who self-identify as disabled. Get information, advice, and a voice for intersectional issues.