Undergraduate year one

Life on campus is bustling with new experiences – from finding your groove, diving into courses, to forming connections. While career decisions might not be topping your list at this moment, it's worth knowing that every step you take this year shapes your path to landing your ideal job.

To make things smoother, check out this handy timeline:

Activities, events and resources relevant to year one

Trimester 1

Welcome Week - During Welcome Week there will be lots of activities and workshops to get involved in. Come over to the Careers Hub to find out more, and to say hello to the team!

Part-time and Voluntary work - Will you be looking for a part time job whilst studying?  If so, our team can provide you with practical advice and support on job hunting. Joining societies and getting involved with activities with the Students' Union can also be a great way of boosting your employability skills.

Careers Fairs - This trimester, look out for our Careers Fairs where a wide range of organisations will be in attendance. You’ll get the chance to network with employers and build your understanding of the type of opportunities available after graduating. Not sure how to make the most of the fair? Attend one of our preparation workshops!

Trimester 2

CV support and employability skills - You’ll be developing new skills all the time and our Employability Skills Checklist will help you to identify and record them. Come along to one of our CV workshops, or access our CV resources online for tips on how to incorporate these newly acquired skills into your CV.

Career planning - It’s never too early to start exploring options after you graduate. To help with this we offer a variety of workshops on topics ranging from career planning to business start-up advice. We also offer one-to-one appointments with the Careers and Enterprise team so feel free to get in touch.

Spring careers fair - Develop your networking skills and become more industry aware by attending our Spring Careers Fair. A wide range of organisations attend this one, so make sure you register.

Trimester 3

PlacementsInternships and industry placements are a fantastic way of gaining skills and experience to help boost your career prospects. Speak to the employability and placements contacts in your school and check out our online resources.

Applications - What’s the application process for placements? Do you feel confident about applying for roles? If you’d like to know more, come along to one of our workshops or book a one-to-one appointment with the Careers and Enterprise team.

Summer opportunities - Have you thought about what you’ll be doing over the summer? It could be a fantastic time to gain experience and develop employability skills. Use Handshake and Prospects to search for ideas and opportunities. If you’d like to discuss your ideas, come and speak to the Careers and Enterprise team.