Frequently asked questions

A list of frequently asked questions relating to the estates section of the website.

Around campus
How do I report lost or found property?

If you think you have lost something elsewhere in the University, then please contact the Estates department. Their main reception desk is on the ground floor of the Maxwell building.

How do I contact Security Control?

Security page for more information.

Where can I park my bicycle securely?

Travel page for information on cycle parking and storage.

Where can I find directions to the university and a campus map?

Directions to the university and a campus map.

Car parking
Where can I park?
How much is car parking?
How do I obtain a car parking permit?
I have received a Parking Charge Notice (PCN) and want to dispute it. What do I do?

Follow the appeals procedure as detailed on the front of the Parking Charge Notice (PCN).

Campus projects
What is the plan for the University of Salford estate?