Your health and wellbeing is just as important as the academic side of university life. On this page, you'll find information about the support available to you, as well as advice on how you can take care of yourself and your peers.
If you have a serious injury or condition, including a mental health crisis, call an ambulance on 999. If you have an urgent health concern which isn’t life threatening you can always phone 111.
Whether this is the first time you're taking responsibility for your health, you've moved to a new area or have a question about local healthcare services, we can help. If you can't find the information you need on this page, speak to askUS. askUS works in partnership with NHS services in the community to ensure that you get the care and support that you need.
Protect yourself and your peers from measles
There has been an increase in reported measles cases in Greater Manchester. The MMR vaccine is not only the best protection against measles, it's also available free of charge through the NHS. Book your vaccine appointment at our on-campus Health Centre or your local GP. Find out more below.
Health information and services
If you feel unwell while at University or have questions about your health and wellbeing, there are lots of services that can help. Your local GP Surgery or Health Centre is your first point of contact for most illnesses and other problems. As well as consultations with a Doctor, most GP Surgeries and Health Centres provide a range of health services including women's health clinics, services for parents of young children, contraception and more. However, many illnesses such as coughs and colds can be treated over the counter at your local pharmacy.
As soon as you arrive at University, make sure that you register with a GP so you can access medical treatment when you need it. If you live on or near to campus, your closest GP practice is the University of Salford Health Centre, located on the 3rd floor of Maxwell Building. The Health Centre offers NHS primary care services to help you manage your health and wellbeing, including support for your mental and sexual health.
Other healthcare topics
Immediate health concerns or emergencies
If you have a life threatening or serious injury or condition, including a mental health crisis, call an ambulance on 999. If you have an urgent health concern which isn’t life threatening you can always phone 111 for advice.
Before you go to a hospital’s Accident & Emergency (A&E), consider if your condition is serious enough to warrant it. Waiting times can be very long if you attend with a less serious injury. You can find advice on when to go to A&E via the NHS.
If you're on campus, alert our Security team quickly by downloading the SafeZone app. The app gives you access to emergency or urgent assistance should you need it, first aid and the ability to report emergency incidents and concerns.
Dental care
Dental problems cannot be dealt with by doctors, so make sure you register with a local dentist to keep your mouth, teeth and gums healthy and free of pain.
Not all dental treatment is free, even under the NHS, however you may be entitled to free healthcare if you meet certain criteria including if you are under 19 and in qualifying full-time education. You may also be able to apply for help with health costs, including prescriptions and dental care.
Eye care
You should have an eye test at least every two years to make sure you have the right glasses or contact lenses, if you need them, and to help keep your eyes healthy.
Find out if you are eligible for a free NHS eye test or an optical voucher to reduce the cost of glasses or contact lenses on the NHS website.
Other health services and support
On our Frederick Road campus, you can access the following services:
- Sports Injury Clinic offering injury assessments as well as treatment and exercise rehabilitation advice
- Podiatry Clinic for help with foot problems, nail surgery or foot-related sports injuries
Our student-led clinics operate under the supervision of fully trained academic staff and use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to provide a wide range of treatments.
If you have a mental health problem, long-term illness or any other disability, you could be eligible for financial support through the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). Register with our Disability Inclusion Service to learn more.
Vaccines are the most effective way to prevent many infectious diseases so it's important to make sure you're up-to-date. The NHS recommends students going to university for the first time receive:
- The MenACWY vaccine
- Two doses of the MMR vaccine (for measles, mumps and rubella)
- The HPV vaccine if you are eligible
- An annual flu vaccine if you have asthma, kidney disease, diabetes or other serious long-term conditions
For more information about vaccinations, including how they work, what they contain and the most common side effects, visit the NHS website.
Mental health
Your mental health is just as important as your physical health and student life can bring specific challenges, from exam stress to homesickness. Our Wellbeing and Counselling team are here to help you succeed in your studies and in your life by giving tips for taking care of yourself, teaching you ways of managing your wellbeing and providing information on how to look out for your peers too.
For colleagues, visit the Staff Hub for information about our wellbeing support including our 24-hour counselling and support service and Mental Health First Aid Network.
Sexual health
Your sexual health is a key part of your physical and mental wellbeing. Whether you’re in a relationship, don’t have a regular partner or are not currently having sex, you can receive free, high quality contraception and sexual health services, including:
- Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) screening and treatment
- Pregnancy testing
- Contraception options including implant, intrauterine systems (IUS) and intrauterine devices (IUD)
- Emergency Hormonal Contraception
- Free condoms
- HIV treatment and care services
- LGBTQ+ information and advice
If you think you might have an infection, or just want a sexual health check-up, you can order a postal testing kit or book an appointment with the doctors and nurses from the Sexual Health Service for free, confidential advice.
Information for international students
The National Health Service (NHS) is the UK's state healthcare system that provides health care services ranging from appointments with a doctor, hospital treatment and dental care. All international students on a full-time course lasting 6 months or longer are entitled to free NHS hospital treatment.
International students do not need private medical insurance when studying in the UK, although it is advisable to take out health insurance in case of unforeseen circumstances. If you need a visa to study in the UK, you must pay a fee to gain access to the NHS during your visa application. This fee covers free medical treatment and reduced price dental care.
- Find advice on looking after yourself, as well as practical information on how to sign up with a local GP and access medical treatment on the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA)'s website.
Keep fit and healthy
Below, you'll find information, advice and resources to help you stay physically and mentally well while at Salford.