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Salford’s research creates new and innovative technologies, designs, products and ideas that can be commercialised. The University’s Technology Transfer Office works with academics, commercial and industrial partners to develop these innovations into market-ready offers.

Each innovation is unique, so we draw on internal and external commercial experience and business knowledge in order to work with partners to structure the right licensing deal.

In some cases, we take our innovations to the market through the creation of a spin off company. 

Whatever route is most appropriate, our Technology Transfer specialists ensure that any intellectual property created through our research activities is used for the benefit of the university, society, industry and the wider economy. 

We are also able to help our industrial partners to find solutions to specific business problems through our close relationships with the university’s research base. 

The University of Salford welcomed the Independent Review of University Spin-out Companies published in November 2023. The timely release of the Government’s spin out review, subsequent recommendations and the University Spin-out Investment Terms (USIT) Guide have been invaluable in informing the University’s improved processes and visibility, and underpinning the current review of intellectual property policies, and changes recommended by the Technology Transfer Office (TTO).

The University of Salford’s approach to commercialising research reinforces the University’s innovation strategy and the three key goals; transforming lives, stimulating discovery and realising potential.

The University currently has 10 spin-out companies and our academics are now actively engaged in accelerator schemes such a ICURe and ARC, and whilst we already exceed the cluster average rating in IP and Commercialisation (KEF3), the adoption of Government recommendations will ensure continued best practice.

The current review, TTO support and founder friendly approach to supporting spin-outs and commercialisation of research means that this is an area where the University of Salford will continue to grow.


Get in touch

For more information on how we can support you and your business, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

We can provide a bespoke presentation addressing the support we can offer to your business or an individual plan highlighting course areas or services that may be of interest.