Suicide or Self-Harm

If you're having suicidal thoughts, here is some information on how to look after yourself and talk to someone during this time.

Thoughts of suicide are common. Many adults will experience suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. The feelings that drive suicide are often temporary and situation-specific, for instance, a stressful event associated with feelings of loss can trigger suicidal thoughts.

Crisis support

If you have any other questions or need support or advice, or would like to suggest any improvements to the guidance and support we offer, please contact askUS

Resources to help you look after yourself

  • You can save emergency phone numbers and what to do when you are feeling suicidal in a safety plan. Download a safety plan template
  • Be around friends or family. If this is not possible, get to a safe place and call them
  • You may also choose to call a helpline, such as the Samaritans (call 116 123) or Switchboard - the LGBT+ helpline (available by phone, email and chat messenger)
  • Try to not consume drugs or alcohol
  • Do things you enjoy, such as listening to music, exercising, or watching a favourite TV show
  • Read and download suicide prevention resources, such as:
    • Stay Alive App: A free Apple or Android app that provides access to national helplines, a personalised mini-safety plan, and guidance on how to help others who may be suicidal
    • Jason Foundation - 'A Friend Asks' app: Free information and resources app for Apple and Android to help yourself or to prevent the suicide of someone you know. Includes a ‘Get Support Now’ section for crisis situations

Time to talk

If you are feeling suicidal, the most important thing is to talk to someone.

If you are going through a difficult period, you may feel isolated and disconnected from your personal support networks. You may also worry about the reaction and impact on those close to you if you share thoughts of suicide. It may feel awkward to start a conversation and there isn’t a right or wrong way to talk about suicidal feelings. Starting the conversation is what’s important.

People care and want to help. Professional support is available and easy to access. You may want to talk to a trusted family member, a friend, a colleague, a staff member in your department, Wellbeing and Counselling or your GP.

Appointments or advice with counselling and wellbeing

Our team of advisers and Counsellors offer confidential and non-judgmental appointments. The advisers have a wealth of experience and skills including Mental Health First Aid and suicide prevention training. They will listen to you and seek to understand how you are feeling.

Our team can help you identify and access therapeutic and/or medical support, suggest adjustments to study and agree a safety plan with you. A safety plan is a personalised plan to support you step by step during periods when you're feeling suicidal.

The advisers are based across campus. You can call us on +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 1, option 1) or email

Support in accommodation

If you're living in a hall of residence, you can speak to on-site staff who will be able to assist you if needed. They can call emergency services if you need them or refer you to Wellbeing and Counselling.

What to do if someone has shared suicidal thoughts or plans

If a student is in immediate danger of harming themselves or attempting to take their own life, advise them to go directly to the Accident & Emergency (A&E) department of their local hospital to get help.

  • Salford Royal Hospital is the nearest A&E department to Salford's main campus
  • Call 999 to request an ambulance for the student if they are unable to reach the hospital themselves
  • Share your concerns with Wellbeing and Counselling so that appropriate follow-up support can be put in place. Even though you might be worried you need to share what’s going on for someone to ensure they can get the support they need. Phone askUS on +44 (0)161 295 0023 or email