Student Carers
A carer is someone who provides unpaid care to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help because of frailty, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability.
One in ten of us have caring responsibilities, so if you are caring for someone whilst studying, we recognise that juggling all of this can be very difficult. Because of this we have developed a Carer's policy to ensure that you get the support you need. We were the first university in the country to offer an individual Carer Support Plan that can be adapted to your needs. We can help with any questions you may have and have well-developed links with local Carer Centres who are also able to support you.
We offer a range of support for students that have caring responsibilities. This includes financial support via our Student Carer Bursary, academic support through a Carer Support Plan, as well as emotional support through 1-1 meetings with our team and group events with other students.
Register your caring responsibilities
If you provide unpaid care to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help because of frailty, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability then please register your caring responsibilities with us by completing our registration form.
- New Registering caring responsibilities form (For students who are registering for the first time)
- Returning caring responsibilities form (For students who have registered previously)
On this registration form, you will need to supply evidence of your caring responsibility. All evidence you submit must:
- Name you with either your full name or your first initial and surname.
- Be on letter-headed paper.
- Be dated within 12 months from the start of the academic year that we are currently in. For this academic year this means that we can only accept evidence dated October 2023 and later.
- Your evidence may where necessary also state your caring responsibility on the evidence.
A list of the evidence that we accept is listed on the form.
Once you have submitted your registration form, a member of the Student Carer Support Team will be in touch with you as soon as possible via your university email address.
Carer Support Plan
Once you have registered your caring responsibilities with us with accepted evidence, we can invite you to an appointment to create a Carer Support Plan. A Carer Support Plan can offer you academic support during your studies, and appointments can be held face-to-face, or via a phone/teams call.
If you have any questions about this, please email us on
Bursary for student carers
We offer a £550 cash bursary to support students verified as having caring responsibilities. This is pro rata for part-time students. For more information, see our terms and conditions below.
Bursary Award Terms and Conditions 2024/25
1. Award details
The £550 cash bursary is to support a student’s learning and living costs. It's available to UK undergraduate students, both full-time and part-time, who are verified as having caring responsibilities.
In Higher Education, a Student Carer is someone who provides unpaid care to a partner, child, relative, friend or neighbour who could not manage without this help because of frailty, physical or mental illness, addiction or disability. Please note that being a parent is not a carer for the purposes of this bursary.
All students who declare their status as a Student Carer either through UCAS or the Online Registration Portal will be eligible for the award provided they have the required evidence to verify their caring role. This evidence will be verified by the team.
2. Value
Every eligible student will be awarded a £550 bursary directly to their Inspire account at the end of April 2024 for this academic year. Part-time students will be given a pro rata award.
3. Application process
To be eligible for this award, you will need to have successfully registered your caring responsibilities with the Campus and Student Life team via the carers' registration form, to have your evidence accepted and meet the bursary eligibility criteria.
Returning student carers will need to fill out a returning carers form.
The £550 bursary will be paid at the end of April 2025 to students who meet the eligibility criteria at the time of allocation.
4. Eligibility
Bursaries will be awarded to those who meet the eligibility criteria at the University at the time of allocation. To receive the bursary students must meet all the following criteria:
- Have a current Carer Support Plan in place or have provided the required evidence to be eligible for a Carer Support Plan.
- Be verified as a Student Carer by the Campus and Student Life Team. Please contact us on if you are unsure.
- Be studying an undergraduate course either delivered by the University on the University’s main campus (including MediaCity) or at a UK partner college: Salford City College or Bury College.
- Be classed as a home student, (England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Channel Islands, Isle of Man or Republic of Ireland) for fee purposes.
- Have consented to the sharing of data submitted to Student Finance.
- Have met the required progression criteria for their course.
- Have not been previously registered with the University for any course except where the student is progressing from a foundation course to the first year of an undergraduate course (level 4). Foundation level students are eligible for this bursary.
For the 2024/25 academic year students must also:
- Be registered on a full-time or part-time undergraduate course being delivered by the University at its main campus either at the University, a UK partner college and must be paying the maximum undergraduate fee of £9,250 per year. This includes those students on a Higher National Certificate (HNC or HND) course; or
- Be registered and studying a foundation course (level 3) delivered either by the University at its main campus or at a UK partner college: Salford City College or Bury College.
Those not eligible for this bursary:
- Students who are not classed as 'home students' for fee purposes, or whose fee status is unresolved.
- Students who were not ordinarily resident in the UK (i.e. England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland) or the Republic of Ireland.
- Students studying on a degree apprenticeship course.
- Students who have not provided the required evidence to register their caring responsibilities.
- Students who are studying at postgraduate level.
5. Verification of student carer status
Verification will be undertaken by the team, who will cross-reference information provided through UCAS and Online Registration. Each student who has declared their status will need to verify their status and eligibility for the Bursary to gain support.
Students who have no current Carer Support Plan in place and have not previously registered with the team in a previous academic year will be asked to provide evidence to the team. In line with recommendations from Carers Trust, the evidence must be dated within 12 months of the start of the academic year and may take the form of the following:
- A doctor’s or consultant’s letter confirming the responsibility of caring for a close friend, relative or neighbour and any perceived impact on the student
- A local authority carers’ assessment
- A DLA letter that names you and must clearly state either higher or middle rate care component
- Carer Allowance documentation from DWP showing the termination due to start of studies
- A letter from a counsellor / support worker or an organisation such as the Carers Trust, a local Carers Centre
NB: Medical evidence of the person being cared for is not sufficient unless accompanied by one of the above as evidence. You must gain written permission from the person being cared for if you share their medical information.
6. Use of awards
Awards are not transferable and should be used to assist with living costs.
7. Payment
- All cash payments are paid through the Inspire scheme and details of how to download the cash will be provided when the award is made.
- If a student does not meet the eligibility criteria by Friday 18 April 2025, they will not receive this bursary for the current academic year.
- Any students not claiming their bursary may claim it at a later stage in their course, including if they have become carers during their course. However, payments cannot be backdated.
8. Withdrawal or freezing of the award
- Changing a course and starting again at level 3 (foundation year) or 4 (first year undergraduate). Students who, having started a course, subsequently change courses starting again at either level 3 or 4, will not be eligible for the award against the new course. The award will remain, but there will be no second payment against the new course. Once the student progresses onto the next level they will be eligible for the appropriate award to be made for that year of study.
- Temporary breaks in study. Students who arrange with the University to interrupt or leave their course on a temporary basis will have their award frozen until they resume studies.
- Suspension of study. If students are suspended by the University, their award will be frozen until the suspension has been lifted
- Repeat/extended study. Repeat periods of study and temporary breaks in study that lead to repeat periods of study will not qualify for any additional award. The award entitlement is for the scheduled minimum duration of the course and is not extended for any student.
- Leaving or being removed from the course. Students who leave or are removed from their course will not be expected to repay the amount of their awards which have already been spent. However, the accounts of these students will be closed, and any remaining award will not be available to them and entitlement to all future payments will stop on the date they leave or are removed.
- In accordance with the Student Privacy Policy, the team and the schools will need to liaise to verify student status and eligibility to receive payment.
External support
There are many local and national organisations specialising in support for carers. Carers UK are national charities with up-to-date information and advice on:
For more information about money and benefits that you and the person you are caring for are entitled to, visit the Carers Trust webpage.
Support available if you live in Salford can be found at:
Local organisations will be able to advise on the support available outside of Salford and the services you can expect from your local authority.
Useful resources
- The Care Act 2014 - Key points for carers & carers' organisations
- Rights for young carers & young adult carers in the Children & Family Act
- New rights for young carers, young adult carers & their families; an overview
- Which? Elderly Care - For carers
- We Care: Policy for Students with Caring Responsibilities
Contact us
If you have any questions or don’t know where you should start, contact us for help.
Phone: +44 (0)161 295 0023 (option 1, option 3)