Talking to Someone

Our 24-hour Student CareFirst telephone helpline provides emotional support by trained counsellors. Calls can be made to +44 (0)800 970 1080.

You can contact Counselling and Wellbeing from Monday to Friday between the hours of 09:00-17:00. However, you may not be able to access an appointment straight away, you may not be able to visit the campus or you may wish to talk to someone outside of our working hours. In such an instance there are a number of services that you can talk to either about a specific problem you are having or general concerns you have relating to your wellbeing.

  • Samaritans is a national listening service that can offer a safe place to talk about whatever’s getting to you. You can contact them 24 hours a day on 116 123 or by emailing
  • Papyrus can be contacted by young people at risk of suicide or those worried about a young person at risk of suicide. They are a specialist telephone helpline service staffed by trained professionals who give non-judgemental support, practical advice and information. You can contact them on +44 (0)800 068 4141 Monday to Friday 10:00-17:00 and 19:00-22:00, Weekends 14:00-17:00.
  • CALM promotes and delivers a free, confidential, anonymous helpline and website targeted at Young men, though CALM will listen to anybody who needs advice or support, regardless of age, gender or geographic location. Call +44 (0)800 585 858 Saturday to Tuesday 17:00-00:00.
  • SANE runs a national, out-of-hours helpline offering specialist emotional support and information to anyone affected by mental illness, including family, friends and carers. They are open every day of the year from 18:00-23:00.
  • Beat helpline is open to anyone who needs support and information relating to an eating disorder, including sufferers, carers, professionals and anyone who wants to find out more about eating disorders. The helpline can be contacted on +44 (0)845 634 1414, or for 25s and under the Beat Youthline can be called on local rate number +44 (0)845 634 7650 They offer a call back service, so each user can save the cost of a call. Both help lines are open Monday to Friday evenings from 16.30-20:30 and Saturdays 13:00-16.30. You can also email for support.
  • Cybersmile is a cyberbullying charity committed to tackling all forms of online bullying and hate campaigns. They deliver professional advice, education and support to those affected as well as their families and friends. Their website contains a plethora of useful information and they also have a confidential helpline. To contact them, call +44 (0)845 688 7277.
  • Victim Support is there for people to talk about their experience of crime anonymously and in confidence. Support line volunteers can give emotional support and information over the phone and put people in touch with local offices and other organisations that can help you. Call the support line on +44 (0)845 303 0900, they are open 09:00-21:00 Monday to Friday and 09:00-19:00 weekends.
  • RapeCrisis If specialist sexual violence support is required urgently the national freephone helpline can be called on +44 (0)808 802 9999 between 12:00-14.30 and 19:00-21:30 every day of the year. You can also locate a rape crisis centre near you.
  • Narcotics Anonymous is often the first point of contact for people needing support and advice about the nature of drug addiction. Anyone from the using addict to friends and family are welcome to call. The NA Helpline is now open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and can be accessed by calling +44 (0)300 999 1212.
  • Alcoholics Anonymous If help is needed with a drinking problem either phone the national help line on +44 (0)845 769 7555 or contact them by email.
  • Refuge offers a freephone 24-Hour National Domestic Violence Helpline run in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge which can be accessed by calling +44 (0)808 200 0247.
  • The Compassionate Friends – is a befriending and support for bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. They can be contacted on +44 (0)117 953 9639 – 365 days a year – 10:00-16:00 and 18:30-22.30.
  • Pregnancy Helpline offer free tests, help after abortion as well as other services. They can be called on +44 (0)845 330 8466 Monday to Friday from 10:00-14:00 and 19:00-22:00. You can also email them for support.
  • Talk to Frank offers free and confidential advice 24 hours a day, 365 days a week by calling their helpline free on +44 (0) 300 123 6600.
  • National Domestic Abuse Helpline in partnership between Women's Aid and Refuge, is a national service for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf. It can be accessed by calling their 24-hour free helpline on +44 (0)808 200 0247.
  • Men's advice line is a helpline for male victims of domestic abuse. They can be contacted Monday to Friday 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 on freephone +44 (0)808 801 0327.
  • Autism Helpline provides impartial, confidential information, advice and support for people with autism spectrum disorders and their families and carers. They can be contacted on +44 (0)808 800 4104 from Monday to Friday 10:00-16:00.