Health and Public Services apprenticeships
Supporting your organisation with our expertise. Apprenticeships offer a cost-effective way to up-skill your staff, allowing them to apply theoretical learning to the workplace on an ongoing basis.
We build strong relationships with organisations to create courses that enable our apprentices to take on the challenges of today’s working world. Our staff are highly skilled and effectively support apprentices to achieve the required knowledge, skills and behaviours.
We have invested heavily in our campus and have state-of-the-art simulation facilities that enable our apprentices to acquire in-depth skills and understanding of their chosen occupation, whilst using the latest technologies.
Our employer partnerships are key to the success of our apprenticeships, as recognised in our 2019 OFSTED inspection: ‘Partnerships with employers and key stakeholders are highly effective’. These partnerships ensure that apprenticeships are in occupational areas where there is a shortage of trained staff and meet skills needs both locally and nationally.
We offer a range of apprenticeship programmes from undergraduate (Level 4) through to postgraduate (Level 7). Each apprenticeship programme will have different entry requirements and a funding band allocated to it.
The key to the success of our apprenticeship programmes is their flexible delivery models. We recognise the need for apprentices to be applying their developing knowledge, skills and behaviours and so have developed delivery models to reflect this. Our programmes offer a mix of day-release, block delivery and online learning.
There will be a range of assessment methods depending on the programme. These may include examinations, essays and presentations etc. There will also be an End Point Assessment (EPA) which is a holistic and independent assessment of the knowledge, skills and behaviours which have been learnt throughout the apprenticeship.
An apprentice can only take the EPA once they have met the minimum duration of an apprenticeship, satisfied the gateway requirements (e.g. confirmation of GCSE English and Maths or equivalent) set out in the assessment plan and you (in consultation with the training provider) are content they have attained sufficient skills, knowledge and behaviours.
BSc (Hons) Podiatry (Podiatrist Degree Apprenticeship) - The degree apprenticeship provides a new route for developing and retaining the future podiatry workforce that is complementary to the academic route, ensuring that graduating apprentices are competent podiatrists able to meet the future needs of employers.
Public Health
BSc (Hons) Public Health Practitioner (Public Health Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship) - The degree apprenticeship provides a new route for developing and retaining the future public health workforce that is complementary to the academic route, ensuring that graduating apprentices are competent Public Health Practitioners able to meet the future needs of employers.
Nursing Associate
FdSc Nursing Associate (Nursing Associate Higher Apprenticeship) - The apprenticeship will train Nursing Associates to work independently, and as part of the healthcare team, delivering care in a range of primary, secondary, community and social care settings. Apprentices will learn to deliver hands-on care, focusing on ensuring patients continue to get the compassionate care they deserve.
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy (Physiotherapist Degree Apprenticeship) - The apprenticeship will provide apprentices with the knowledge and skills required by physiotherapists to provide evidence-based healthcare. Our physiotherapy graduates have excellent problem-solving skills, they are technically proficient, professionally aware and as such, move seamlessly into graduate practice.
Clinical Practice
MSc Advanced Clinical Practitioner (Advanced Clinical Practitioner Degree Apprenticeship) - The Advanced Clinical Practitioner Master’s Degree Apprenticeship is a programme for experienced Health Professionals who wish to advance their professional practise to independently manage holistic episodes of physical and mental healthcare in a range of settings.
Health Visiting or School Nursing
PgDip Specialist Community Public Health Nurse Health Visiting or School Nursing (Degree Apprenticeship) - The Specialist Community Public Health Nurse - Health Visiting and School Nursing Apprenticeships have been designed to support registered nurses develop advanced skills and knowledge in public health within integrated community care.
Policing Practise
BSc (Hons) Professional Policing Practice (Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship) - This programme will help apprentices develop their skills, knowledge and understanding carrying out the role of a police constable in a competent, safe, and lawful manner.
Case studies
We have welcomed many apprentices to the University across a range of courses such as Podiatry, Nursing, Biomedical Science and Physiotherapy. Our apprentices have excelled on their chosen apprenticeship and gained valuable skills and experience to progress their careers.
Find out how our apprentices balance their studies alongside their work and what advice they would give to others considering an apprenticeship.
Get In touch
If you have any questions or want to start your organisations route into apprenticeships, please contact or call +44 (0)161 295 3063