Health and Public Services apprenticeships

TNA nurse

Supporting your organisation with our expertise. Apprenticeships offer a cost-effective way to up-skill your staff, allowing them to apply theoretical learning to the workplace on an ongoing basis.

We build strong relationships with organisations to create courses that enable our apprentices to take on the challenges of today’s working world. Our staff are highly skilled and effectively support apprentices to achieve the required knowledge, skills and behaviours.

We have invested heavily in our campus and have state-of-the-art simulation facilities that enable our apprentices to acquire in-depth skills and understanding of their chosen occupation, whilst using the latest technologies.

Our employer partnerships are key to the success of our apprenticeships, as recognised in our 2019 OFSTED inspection: ‘Partnerships with employers and key stakeholders are highly effective’. These partnerships ensure that apprenticeships are in occupational areas where there is a shortage of trained staff and meet skills needs both locally and nationally.

Download our prospectus.

Develop your workforce

An apprenticeship combines academic study at university with on-the-job training in the workplace. They are a great way to attract and retain talent, boost productivity and up-skill your workforce.

The benefits of an apprenticeship include:

  • Create ambitious, motivated employees
  • Increase retention by offering employees the chance to progress
  • Improve productivity and competitiveness
  • Bring fresh and innovative ideas into the organisation
  • Tailor learning to fit your business requirements and close the skills gap
  • Up-skill your workforce in a cost-effective way

Funding depends on the size of your organisation but will either be fully funded by your apprenticeship levy or via co-investment with the government (the government will fund 95% of the training costs).

Case studies

We have welcomed many apprentices to the University across a range of courses such as Podiatry, Nursing, Biomedical Science and Physiotherapy. Our apprentices have excelled on their chosen apprenticeship and gained valuable skills and experience to progress their careers.

Find out how our apprentices balance their studies alongside their work and what advice they would give to others considering an apprenticeship.

Get In touch

If you have any questions or want to start your organisations route into apprenticeships, please contact or call  +44 (0)161 295 3063