
An apprentice's wellbeing is just as important as the academic side of university life. The Wellbeing and Counselling team are here to help apprentices succeed in their studies and in their life by giving tips for taking care of themselves, teaching them ways of managing their wellbeing and providing information on how to look out for their peers too.


When facing problems or difficulties, talking about the situation with another person can often be helpful. In many cases this might be a friend or family member, however in some circumstances it may be easier to talk about your problems with someone independent of your own life.

Counselling can provide apprentices with an opportunity to talk through their problems in a confidential setting with a counsellor with the professional skills and experience to help them work through their problems. Talking with a counsellor can help them explore their problem, gain clarity on their situation and develop a deeper understanding of themselves.

Apprentices can access counselling with our on-site Counsellors during business hours and our Student CareFirst 24/7 phone line at +44 (0)800 970 1080, which provides emotional support by trained counsellors at any time.

Counselling is a free service that can make apprentices more aware of their choices and goals, helping them find a balance between their personal, work and academic life.

Wellbeing Advisors

Wellbeing Advisers are here if apprentices wish to seek advice about something that is causing them considerable stress or concern.

There may be times at university or work when apprentices need to speak to someone because they need support with a personal issue. It may be a worry that they feel unable to discuss with their friends, family or tutor. If something has happened in their life or is affecting them day-to-day (whether they deem it to be big or small), they can meet with a Wellbeing Adviser to talk it over or be supported and referred to more appropriate services if necessary.

How to speak to an Advisor

Apprentices can book in with the service by completing the online self-referral form. We will contact the apprentice by phone to discuss their support needs and appointment options.

If they cannot complete the form, apprentices can contact wellbeing@salford.ac.uk or call +44 (0)161 295 0023.

Disability Inclusion Service

Our Disability and Inclusion Service works with you to ensure you have fair and equal access to your education. Sometimes there are factors that mean you need adjustments put in place, which is why we have inclusive and accessible teaching in place for all students. Our Disability Inclusion Service can create a Reasonable Adjustment Plan (RAP) for you if you need additional adjustments.

If you experience a disability, long-term condition or a specific learning difficulty, then you may be entitled to appropriate academic support in your teaching and assessments. This can include extra time for assessments, extended book loans from the Library and support for field trips.