Neil Mingaud - BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust

Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship?

I have wanted to take the step from Therapy Assistant to qualified Physiotherapist for a while however with two children and bills, I didn’t think it would be possible to not work full time in order to complete the degree. This route allows me study and earn at the same time.

Looking back over your time on the apprenticeship so far, how have you found the whole experience?

It’s been intense at times. Working and studying as well as family commitments but I’ve had great support from my colleagues, and I’m pleased with the marks and feedback I’ve had thus far.

How would you describe the support that you’ve received from the University of Salford?

I’ve attended several apprenticeship support sessions and I can tell the university wants to develop the pathway further for people like me. I’ve not had any major issues so haven’t required more specialist support, but I wouldn’t hesitate to contact staff with any issues I did have – I’ve always gotten timely replies to the routine enquiries I’ve had.

What has been your proudest achievement on your apprenticeship to date?

I’m proud of some of my results but to be the first from my trust and have other people follow me onto the course and say I have inspired them has made me most proud.

What do you want to do once you complete your apprenticeship?

Continue to develop into the best Physiotherapist I can be and hopefully give something back by mentoring/educating other students in the future.

What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship?

Be prepared to put in lots of work but if you are in a similar situation to myself its absolutely the best way to access a course such as this.