Lee Monks - BSC (Hons) Physiotherapy


Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship?

It has given me the opportunity to gain a degree in Physiotherapy whilst still being able to work. As a more mature student with personal responsibilities, I am able to still earn whilst studying.

Looking back over your time on the apprenticeship so far, how have you found the whole experience?

It is tough but has been interesting and already feel I’ve gained lots of new skills. Although the apprenticeship is still relatively new to me, it has already highlighted how much work is involved but the benefits massively outweigh this.

How would you describe the support that you’ve received from the University of Salford?

The support has always been there when I have need it and someone has been in constant contact throughout. The tutors are very helpful and supportive.

What has been your proudest achievement on your apprenticeship to date?

I am still new to the apprenticeship but just getting onto the degree apprenticeship has been an achievement. It was something I worked toward since starting as a Band 2 assistant.

What do you want to do once you complete your apprenticeship?

I am currently unclear what route I want to go down, but I do find myself drawn to respiratory. There are many areas I haven’t yet experienced so in time I will hopefully have a better idea.

What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship?

I couldn’t recommend the apprenticeship enough. There is a lot of work involved but it is a great route into completing the degree.