Beth Richardson- BSc (Hons) Podiatry


Why did you choose to study an apprenticeship?

There was no other way that was financially viable for me to complete the Podiatry Degree. 

Looking back over your time on the apprenticeship so far, how have you found the whole experience?

have found the whole experience a positive one and still feel very privileged that I have been given the opportunity to be chosen and accepted to do the apprenticeship.

There are times when it has been quite stressful managing a full-time job and fitting in the hours of study required for the degree. There are other times when I have had time to reflect on the experience so far, and although it has been challenging, I feel like I have come a long way and it has been enjoyable experience.

How would you describe the support that you’ve received from the University of Salford?

The support has been very good, and I know there is extra support available if it is required.

What has been your proudest achievement on your apprenticeship to date?

There are probably quite a few. Enucleating my first corn, tackling a really challenging set of nails or having a patient thanking me and saying I have done a really good job.

What do you want to do once you complete your apprenticeship?

I want to continue working for Podiatry at Salford and hopefully get a Band 5 role.

What would you say to someone considering an apprenticeship?

I would highly recommend it as it is a fantastic opportunity to progress in your role.