The Sepsis Conference

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition which is brought about by the body’s response to an infection, which can then lead to shock, multiple organ failure and in some cases death. It has been found that 48,000 people lose their life every year due to Sepsis.  

We are excited to announce our first conference in conjunction with the UK Sepsis Trust focusing on the causes, signs and symptoms, treatments and life after Sepsis.  

Bringing together industry experts, pioneers in the field of infection control and survivors we will aim to arm you with live changing and life saving information that you can take away and use in your setting.  

At a glance

31/07/2025 - 31/07/2025
£0 + VAT
81 places remaining

Learning Outcomes

  • Opportunity to hear from those leading the way in Sepsis research  
  • Examine the causes of Sepsis  
  • Explore the signs and symptoms of Sepsis  
  • Discover what life is like for those living their life after Sepsis 
  • Understand what you can do to spot the signs early and save lives.  

Who Should Attend?

Heads of NHS, Doctors, Nurses, GP’s, Call handlers/emergency medical dispatcher, Emergency medical technicians, Paramedics, Care assistants, Podiatrists, Healthcare Assistants, Prosthetic support, Maternity Support, District Nurses, Health Visitors, School Nurses, Public Health nurses, integrated urgent care professionals, 111 call handlers,  

Agenda 2025


Registration, Refreshments, Exhibition and Networking


Opening Remarks from the Chair


Nigel Roberts
Deputy Assistant Director of Nursing for Theatres, Critical Care and Anaesthetics and Visiting Lecturer at Birmingham City University.


Extended Keynote Session: Ron Daniels- Founder and Joint CEO UK Sepsis Trust  

  • It can lead to shock, multiple organ failure and even death if not recognised and treated promptly.  
  • There is no single sign or diagnostic test, and sepsis is indiscriminate: while it primarily affects very young children, older adults, and people with underlying health conditions, it can sometimes be triggered in those who are otherwise fit and healthy.  
  • Sepsis always starts with an infection, such as chest infections or UTIs. It is not known why some people develop sepsis in response to these common infections whereas others don’t.   
  • UKST works to educate healthcare professionals to recognise and treat sepsis promptly, but we also need the public to know when to Just Ask: Could it be Sepsis?   
Ron Daniels
Founder and Joint CEO UK Sepsis Trust


Main Stage Slot 1: TBC 


Refreshments, exhibition and networking 


Case Study: Aaron Speer-  

UK House of Lords Private Secretary to the HR Director  

A Survivors Story 

Aaron Speer
UK House of Lords Private Secretary to the HR Director 


Session Title: Effective Sepsis management:  

 Claire Burnett Sepsis Lead Nurse at Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust  

  • Improving practice 
  • Awareness 
  • Management of those with Sepsis 


Seminar 1 TBC

Seminar 2 TBC


Lunch, exhibition and networking 


Main Stage Slot 2


Afternoon Keynote: Session title: The Link between Blood Cancers and Sepsis:  

Dr Nveed Chaudary- Chair Person of the JCSR foundation 

  • Jibraan’s Story 
  • Quicker ways to Identify Sepsis in Cancer patients 
  • The use/overuse of anti-prophylactic antibiotics 
  • Research into the link between Blood cancer and Sepsis. 


Refreshments, exhibition and networking 


Session title: The Impact of Martha’s Rule:  

  • Patients will be asked, at least daily, about how they are feeling, and if they are getting better or worse, and this information will be acted on in a structured way. 
  • All staff will be able, at any time, to ask for a review from a different team if they are concerned that a patient is deteriorating, and they are not being responded to. 
  • This escalation route will also always be available to patients themselves, their families and carers and advertised across the hospital 


Session Title: Blood couture pathway/ Eye Spy Sepsis 

  • Discussing the importance of effective and early testing. 


Closing Remarks from the Chair  


Close of conference 

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