Support for Open Access Funding

Explore how we offer open access publishing agreements for our researchers, and limited funding for immediate open access needs!


A brief guide to open access

We have agreements with several academic journal publishers which remove the cost of publishing open access in their journals.

However, if it is important for your work to be made open access immediately upon publication (via the paid 'Gold' route) we do have some limited funding. You can apply to the UKRI and Institutional Open Access Funds - as soon as your research output has been accepted for publication or on submission for pure open access journals. The funds are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, subject to the eligibility criteria and ADRI approval.

If your research output is in a different format (e.g. a monograph, a chapter in an edited book, a performance or a patent) we recommend that you make your research output open access if you can. Some funders have open access requirements for monographs as well as articles, for example UKRI funded research. Email to check compliance and discuss your options.

Even if you choose not to make your output open access, you should create a record for your output in USIR and deposit the output or related files. USIR is the official collection of the University of Salford's research outputs, and it is important that the records reflect the diversity of research that is undertaken.

Publisher agreements

We have agreements with several academic journal publishers which reduce or remove the cost of publishing open access in their journals. The following deals are open to all current University of Salford affiliated research staff and postgraduate research students. Individual deals may specify that you must be the corresponding author in order to be eligible (please see eligibility details for individual deals listed below).

If given the option to select a licence, we recommend you select the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) license to maximise research dissemination and reuse. The CC BY licence is a requirement for UKRI funded research outputs.

Please note that additional publication charges, such as colour charges and page charges, are not included in these agreements. Authors should arrange alternative funding to cover these additional costs before committing to publish.

In accordance with JISC guidelines, corresponding authors will not normally be eligible to use an agreement if they are:

  • honorary
  • visiting
  • NHS members of staff without a contract of employment at the relevant institution. 

For more information please contact

Funder compliance – UKRI and Wellcome Trust

UKRI and Wellcome Trust funded researchers can publish with any of these publishers and comply with their funder open access requirements, provided your work is published with a CC BY licence. If you are considering publishing with another publisher, please email to discuss the open access compliance requirements.

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in ACM journals and conference proceedings.
Cambridge University Press University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in the majority of CUP journals.

University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in Elsevier subscription journals.

This agreement also provides a discount on Elsevier fully open access journals – open access funding is not guaranteed, and authors should apply using the Support for Open Access form on submission to the journal.

Microbiology Society University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in Microbiology Society journals
Oxford University Press University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in the majority of OUP journals.
PLOS flat fee agreement University of Salford corresponding authors can publish open access in: PLOS Complex Systems, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Digital Health, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS ONE and PLOS Pathogens
PLOS Biology PLOS Biology requires equitable distribution of fees amongst institutions whose authors publish. Email if you are considering publishing with PLOS Biology.

University of Salford authors can publish open access in Sage subscription journals.

This agreement provides a discount on publications in Sage’s fully open access journals – open access funding is not guaranteed and authors should apply using the Support for Open Access form on submission to the journal.

Springer - Portfolio journals This agreement covers free open access for University of Salford authors in Springer and Palgrave journals on SpringerLink, and Academic journals on
Springer - Nature Portfolio journals This agreement covers free open access for University of Salford authors in Nature, and Nature Research journals on
Springer – fully open access journals This agreement provides a discount on publications in Springer fully OA journals (BMC, SpringerOpen, Palgrave and Nature Portfolio) – open access funding is not guaranteed and authors should apply using the Support for Open Access form on submission to the journal.
Taylor & Francis University of Salford corresponding authors are able to publish open access in T&F subscription journals. Fully Open Access titles are not included.
Wiley University of Salford corresponding authors are able to publish open access in any of Wiley's fully open access journals and subscription journals.

Apply for Open Access funding

Institutional Open Access Fund

Before applying for open access funding you should check that there is not an equivalent free open access option for your output, for example a journal that is part of a publisher agreement or a journal which does not charge a fee to publish. Please contact the Library by emailing to discuss your options prior to applying for funding.

Applications will be checked by the Library and open access funding decisions will be made by the appropriate Associate Dean Research & Innovation (ADRI), subject to the availability of funds.

Applicants should apply for funding on submission of the article to ensure there is time to make alternative arrangements if funding is not available.

Subject to available funds and meeting the eligibility criteria, the Institutional Open Access fund will pay up to the full open access cost plus any applicable VAT on your behalf. If you are submitting to a pure open access journal apply for funding on submission of your article to ensure there is time to make alterative arrangements if funding is not available.

We will only support applications for credible open access journals. Authors should run a quick 'think, check, submit' credibility check before applying or contact the Library for advice.

Has your research been impacted by your protected characteristics or personal circumstances? If it has, and you think it would benefit from receiving Open Access funding to increase its reach and impact, please email the Library or your ADRI with the details to support your application.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for funding at least one of the article's authors must be a current member of University of Salford academic staff or postgraduate research student (PGR) and meet at least one of the following criteria.

  1. Your research is expected to be included in Salford's REF submission and assessed as 3* or 4* quality
  2. Your research needs to be openly and immediately available in order to achieve its potential impact by being accessible to a non-academic audience (e.g. schoolteachers, health professionals, industry leaders)
  3. You do not have any other free to publish options (for example your discipline is not covered by our publisher agreements) and so you must publish in a journal which charges a fee to publish

Before applying for open access funding, SSEE academics should engage with the School's pre-publication process. Email papers with 3* or 4* potential to so they can be allocated to an IPR panel member for pre-publication assessment.

Applications from emeritus or associate appointments will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Honorary appointments are not eligible for funding.

Priority will be given to pure open access journals and the fund is not intended for the use of hybrid, where the green self-archiving route is available for open access.

UKRI open access fund

Our UKRI fund supports open access for any articles which acknowledge UKRI funding and can be published via gold open access with a CC-BY licence. Subject to available funds, the UKRI open access fund will pay up to the full cost of the APC plus any applicable VAT on your behalf.

Indicates required field

Apply for funding

Article funding
Your details
Your paper
Please list authors as they appear on the paper
Applications for pure open access journals should be made on submission to ensure time is available for authors to explore other options if funding is not approved
Open Access fee
Please enter the value of the open access fee and include all page charges (excluding VAT). All costs must be included on application to ensure that funding is available.
Upload your documents
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: GIF, JPEG, PNG, PDF, Doc, Docx.

Open Access Monographs  

Books and monographs benefit from open access in many of the same ways as articles. There has been much more progress to date making articles open access as standard but as funder open access policies respond to Plan S there is increased momentum to make publicly funded monographs open access. However, there are barriers:

  • books operate on a much longer time scale than articles;
  • publisher processes for managing open access monographs are in their infancy;
  • there is a perceived prestige of publishing, with established publishers using traditional publishing models and open access costs can be prohibitive.

There are also additional copyright considerations, for example, the use of third-party copyright and the impact of adapted works such as translations.

The UKRI's open access policy requires that monographs published on or after 1 January 2024 should be available open access, with a creative commons licence, within a maximum of 12 months of publication. The next REF open access policy is likely to include a similar requirement for monographs.

The University is keen to support authors to make their monographs open access and meet funder requirements, and ensuring our investment reflects the University of Salford’s current and future research and teaching needs.

We therefore recommend that authors, and research leads approving applications for open access funding, consider the following:

  • Choose a publisher which does not charge a Book Processing Charge (BPC). The OA Books toolkit describes the different publishing models available with suggested publishers.
  • Embargoes on open access should not exceed 12 months.
  • Consider green open access by self-archiving in USIR. Most publishers do not currently allow the whole book to be made open access, but many will allow the accepted version of an individual chapter to be made open access.
  • A CC BY licence is preferred as the least restrictive licence, but authors should consider carefully if a more restrictive licence is required. The Creative Commons Licence Chooser can help authors choose the correct licence for their work.
  • Explore different funding options. The OA Books toolkit provides an overview of available funding.

Are you interested in publishing your monograph open access? Before making any decisions or agreements with publishers, please discuss your options with Wendy Taylor, Scholarly Communications Librarian, at