Professional Development Skills Trending for 2025

Published by Amber Needham

As 2024 is over halfway through and 2025 is just around the corner, the world of professional development is rapidly evolving. The skills that were initially highly in-demand are now replaced by new competencies shaped by technological advancements, differing workplace dynamics and the constant need to grow and adapt. SPD ran a poll on LinkedIn asking which skills the LinkedIn voters believe will be most popular in 2025 and the results were Digital Transformation 35%, Resilience 26%, Emotional Intelligence 24% and Leadership/ Strategic Thinking 15%. In this blog we will explore these as some of the key skills needed to succeed in the workplace in 2025.

Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation is becoming more important in businesses strategy. According to Gartner’s Board of Directors survey in 2023, a staggering 89% of corporate leaders identified digital business as central to their company’s growth. This highlights the importance of professionals to not only understand digital tools and technologies but also to use them to their full potential. There are many rising areas in the digital sphere such as artificially intelligence and data analytic platforms, which are becoming key focus areas for businesses to stay ahead of the curve in an ever-changing digital world.

In 2025, professionals will have to continually educate and learn these new digital skills to help their companies grow. There will also be a multitude of new opportunities created in this field which companies will look to hire for.

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence has always been a key skill for leadership and team members, with a survey by Lee Hecht Harrison Penna in 2019 revealing that 75% of people managers consider emotional intelligence a key skill when considering employees for promotions. This trend is expected to grow as workplaces become more diverse and collaborative, requiring leaders to navigate complex workplace dynamics with empathy and understanding. In 2025, professionals who can effectively manage their emotions and show empathy to those around them will be highly valued in workplaces. Emotional intelligence will specifically be important for those in leadership roles, as they can heavily influence the morale and work-life of the team.


The ability to adapt to change and recover from setbacks is more important than ever in today's fast-paced, unpredictable business environment. Louise Pode, an Executive Coach and leader of the Resilience Programme at Salford Professional Development, defines resilience as more than just grit and determination. She describes it as the capacity to "deal with challenges and failures in our lives and learn and grow from them so that we don't just bounce back to where we were, but we bounce back even stronger." As businesses face ongoing disruptions—whether due to economic shifts or technological changes—resilience will be a key skill for professionals. Those who can view challenges as learning opportunities and adapt their strategies will be better positioned to thrive in 2025 and beyond.

Leadership and Strategic Thinking

Despite the critical importance of leadership, only 12% of companies express confidence in the strength of their leadership team, highlighting a significant skills gap. As organisations navigate complex global markets, the need for leaders who can think strategically, inspire teams, and drive long-term success is paramount.

In 2025, leadership will require more than just managing people—it will demand a forward-thinking approach that integrates strategic vision with the ability to execute plans effectively. Professionals aspiring to leadership roles will need to develop a deep understanding of their industry, anticipate future trends, and make decisions that align with the organization's long-term goals. Additionally, fostering a culture of innovation and continuous improvement will be essential for leaders aiming to stay ahead of the competition.

The professional landscape in 2025 will be defined by rapid change and increasing complexity. Due to this, the skills required for success are evolving. Digital transformation, emotional intelligence, resilience, and strategic leadership are emerging as essential competencies for professionals looking to advance their careers. By focusing on these areas, individuals can not only enhance their own professional development but also contribute to the growth and success of their organisation.

Want to invest in these skills to get ahead of the curve? Find out about our training courses in these areas by clicking the button below.

Professional Development Skills Trending for 2025