Post-16 Activity

Students talking outside a building

At the University of Salford, we know how important it is for students to find out as much information as they can about their career options. That’s why we work with you to create a bespoke programme of events to suit your needs, which will enable your students to gain an insight into university life.

Talks and guidance

Providing timely information and advice can be hugely beneficial to Year 12 and Year 13 students as they make important decisions about their future. We have created our range of talks to inform and encourage students, aiding the transition into Higher Education.


Talks, Presentations and Guidance

Introduction to Higher Education

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/7

Choosing the right university and course is an important decision, but it can be difficult to know where to start with over 37,000 courses in the UK to choose from. Our introduction to HE talk will provide students with information on the benefits of university study, how to choose a course, finance, accommodation and the UCAS process.

This presentation is suitable for students considering progressing on to university after their current studies, mature students thinking of returning to education or changing their career, and also for parents/supporters who want to find out more.

Why study at the University of Salford?

  • Gatsby benchmark 7

This presentation covers more detailed information about the University of Salford and why students should consider applying for a place to study here with us. It starts by exploring the location of the university, transport links and what the Salford and Manchester areas have to offer. The presentation then takes a virtual tour of campus and looks in more detail at what many of the different academic departments can offer potential students. The last section shows a quick whistle-stop virtual tour of the campus accommodation and what facilities the university has to offer its students.

Personal Statements: hints and tips

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/7

The Personal Statement is the one chance a student has to show passion for their subject area to universities. Our hints and tips presentation provides students with good and bad examples along with a step-by-step guide to structuring a Personal Statement that makes an impact, including hints and tips for what to include - and what to avoid!

Student finance and budgeting

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/7

Our ‘Student finance and budgeting’ talk encourages students to begin thinking about the outgoing costs of student living and how to successfully manage their finance throughout a degree. We will cover areas such as tuition fees and student loans, along with details of the scholarships available at Salford.

Studying at MediaCityUK

  • Gatsby benchmarks 4/7

Salford is the only university with a campus at MediaCityUK. We’re neighbours with some of the biggest broadcasters including the BBC and ITV and over 80 companies from the creative and digital media sectors.

Discover, through this talk, more about the courses and facilities (which include TV & radio studios, a journalism centre and editing suites) available to our students studying at our MediaCityUK Campus.

Study Skills

  • Gatsby benchmark 7

This Study Skills presentation will help students to develop learning strategies to boost revision and to provide essential preparation for exams. In this session students will be introduced to the VARK model that will help them to determine what style of learning they prefer out of the four main categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinaesthetic. This session will also highlight different revision tips and techniques in association with these unique learning styles, in order to better prepare students for independent study. In the final part of this presentation students will be given practical methods to enable them to better cope with the demands of exam preparation, stress and anxiety during the exam period.

Mature Learners

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/3/7

Are you returning to study following a gap in your education? Perhaps you’ve had a family, or you’re considering changing your career? Circumstance is as relevant as age, so if you have any worries about whether University is for you, then this presentation will help. During the presentation we take a look at higher education in general, and at all the fantastic opportunities and support available at the University of Salford.

Keeping your options open

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/4/7

We often speak to students who don't know what to study at University with the A Levels or BTECs that they have. This presentation will take students through the options which are available to them, highlighting courses which can be studied regardless of the subjects they are currently studying. We explain that different courses can lead to a multitude of jobs and we aim to inspire students to make the right choices for them.

Get in touch with us to discuss your requirements using the contact details at the bottom of the page.

Studying in the North West

  • Gatsby benchmarks 1/3/7

When considering university, many students will be considering moving away from home in order to find the course and university that meets all their needs. In this presentation we will look at moving away from home and studying in the North-West, as well as considering the key questions students should be asking themselves when finding the right university.

Taster days and career conventions

We are happy to welcome school and college groups onto the University campus to provide an insight in to University life. We aim to make these visits unique to fit the requirements of your students, and can arrange subject specific taster sessions as part of the day.

A typical programme would take approximately two and a half to three hours and may include:

  • Campus tour with current students;
  • Talk from current students about their experiences at university;
  • 'What our University can offer you' talk;
  • Subject specific taster sessions.

Career conventions

In addition to our on-campus taster days, we regularly attend school or college HE fairs and career events, providing a stand to answer your students' questions about studying at University.

Get in touch

For more information about any of our events or activities, please email or complete our online Request Activity Form.